desktop icon starts different android app
currently i do face alien dalvik startup issues. but what makes it worser is this:
i want to start say deezer and here maps. i clck on both icons. it takes really long and eventually one does start and the other not.
lets say from cover and app point of view it is here maps that is running. now i want to start deezer so i click again on the icon.
now sailfish brings here maps into foreground ! it actually thinks that the running heremaps is deezer !
if i now click on here maps icon, it tries to start heremaps for a second time. so i see the cover with the running here maps and th start up cover of here maps with turning circle. after a while the second disappears again clicking on deezer icon brings now here map.s
funny and strange
xperia X - sailfish
Maybe related
J4ZZ ( 2018-11-13 17:12:08 +0200 )editimho: no
it links...
its about launcher icons
pawel ( 2018-11-13 21:14:06 +0200 )edit