alien dalvik doesn't work with patchmanager
hey there! I have jolla (I have this trouble on prev. versions sfos) alien dalvik doesn't work with patchmanager (with or without patches, no difference) I try remove alien dalvik, install patchmanager and install alien dalvik again, no help yes, I try reboot phone
p.s. if I manualy stop alien dalvik in settings (without patchmanager), I can't start again, want reboot and alien dalvik stopped, when I restart homescreen and I can't start manually, want reboot phone
This is strange, I don't have this issue, and haven't seen it reported elsewhere.
A couple of things to check first I suppose the first thing to check is which version of patchmanager have you got installed? 3.0.55-1.123.1 appears to be the latest version, but there are older versions out there too.
rgp ( 2018-11-17 17:39:59 +0200 )edit