Use terminal to turn on network
Hey !
For some reason (3G stops working after reboot), I'd like to try to turn on a network from the terminal.
I've been able to turn the interface on, but I haven't been able to get an IP. This is where I am now:
$ devel-su
$ ifconfig rmnet0 up
$ # Looking for an ip here ?
I've found someone doing something similar on Android: He solved this problem by using netcfg, which isn't what Jolla uses (neither that or netctl for that matter).
Does someone know what I should use ?
EDIT: I found out about connman. I haven't found a lot of documentation about how to interact with connman from the cli, and this seemed like the only thing I could do:
$ connmand -i rmnet0 -d -n
Name already in use
I'm almost certain connman is the guy handling this, but I'm starting to think maybe connmand isn't the command I need. I installed the connman-test package, which I figured is probably the one containing the tools I seek. But I haven't been able to set up any connexion with the commands the package provides.
Install connman-tools and then run /usr/bin/connmanctl
If you need wlan you'll need to enable agent
run connmanctl and then type help.
llornkcor ( 2015-11-09 05:48:07 +0200 )edit