Tablet refund Voucher XA2 Beta [answered]
Quick Question. Can a Tablet refund Voucher be used for XA2 Beta?
Edit. 2019-04-03
Yes It's Possible
See Answer Below from @lqs01
Please Note you will need to follow the link from the email "Jolla Tablet refund survey access link" from "" sent around "17/03/2016"
Further Note the survey does allow a 29,90 EUR voucher for Beta use. Sorry @lqs01 you may have been to early and missed out on the cheaper voucher.
Is there possible to get voucher anymore? I bought one and I used it to Xperia X and now I have XA2 and I would like to install Sailfish.
MJolla ( 2019-04-02 22:20:28 +0200 )editDid you read the answer below?
Yes, it is still possible to use left-over from tablet fiasco to change to X vouchers. Rest is answered already.
peterleinchen ( 2019-04-02 22:35:57 +0200 )edityep i used it in this way too for more than a month ago. works only if by contacting the jolla zendesk/support
cemoi71 ( 2019-04-04 11:43:09 +0200 )edit