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Question about new nile AOSP binaries for xperia XA2 devices

asked 2019-03-03 20:11:32 +0200

cemoi71 gravatar image

updated 2019-12-04 10:34:08 +0200

Hi All, i have a question about the binaries of aosp by flashing the xperia xa2 plus.

then, About the flash process the XA2 plus device... some things don't works with the last binaries for android 8.1 AOSP kernel 4.4 the v17, especially the WLAN is not recognized.. The v16 from october 2018 works fine, the V17b should bring some improvement
If we give a look on the sony website for the binaries collection of different devices. There is binaries for AOSP Pie (android 9) for the nile devices (XA2 devices), kernel 4.9.
What's wrong could be happen for the flash of the device if we take the this one?
Should it be really the one for oreo?

Theoretically, that is the same device, i can't destroy the phone with it.
The worst thing that may happen, is that is not compatible with the sfos part. right?
Then, my question is, do i lose my time to test the flash with it ? or may i expect a well functioned device with sfos?

Edit 4.12.2019: According to that since v3.2.0.12 it is possible to flash upon android 9 and sony released out in may the v9 of binaries based on android 9 with kernel 4.9.
My question to jolla team all courageous tinkers Is that possible to use this binaries and could still work with sfos?

Thanks for any answers.


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jap actually you can all flashing but the binaries work with the vendors together unfortunately makes sony their own thing with vendor therefore does not work project treble on the xa2 the only binary that works properly in the mom is v16 aosp v1 also works but you have no camera v17 is faulty no wlan no camera no sim


N1cetatoooo ( 2019-03-03 21:24:16 +0200 )edit

@N1cetatoooo where do you have your info ? please

cemoi71 ( 2019-03-03 23:50:40 +0200 )edit

@spiiroin@jovirkku could someone of your team brings some info upon it please?

cemoi71 ( 2019-03-04 00:01:34 +0200 )edit

...I have tried it

i have spend much of time to bring treble roms to work ..... ....

and sony leaked then ....thats the vendor binarys on the oem partition

and sony will update the camera DRM to vendor with the pie update ......

here is the link for the lineage Os pie rom ........if you want to change =P

i have compile it ....it is from LUK1337


N1cetatoooo ( 2019-03-04 02:31:51 +0200 )edit

@N1cetatoooo you tried it, and I don't understand what you means then...
Don't works fine?
Camera don't works because of drm?
Your links is from lineage OS, and did you tried it? how does it works?
Do you think that it works with sfos for further OS updates?

cemoi71 ( 2019-03-04 20:21:44 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2019-12-04 12:33:32 +0200

DrYak gravatar image

According to that since v3.2.0.12 it is possible to flash upon android 9 and sony released out in may the v9 of binaries based on android 9 with kernel 4.9. My question to jolla team all courageous tinkers Is that possible to use this binaries and could still work with sfos?

The way Sailfish OS works is it uses libhybris as an abstraction layer on top of firmwares and drivers that normally target Android.

According to Jolla, currenlty for XA2 they use "Baseport 8" - the abstraction layer mimics an Android 8 Oreo and uses drivers + firmware + kernel normally targetting AOSP/Android 8 Oreo.

If I remember correctly (I'm not fluent in Android) its targetting rather precise versions.

If you check Sony's OpenDevices pages, the OpenDevices XA2 kernel 4.9 is missing, but you'll notice that OpenDevices XA2 kernel 4.4 only exclusively support AOSP 8.0 or 8.1 Oreo and nothing else. (A long time ago, it used to be a more confusing mix-and-match mess - compare with Sony Xperia X kernel 3.10 : supports from 6.0.1 Marshmallow to 8.0 Oreo)

I strongly suspect that the firmware blobs for Android 9 Pie can only run on a 4.9 kernel with an Android 9 Pie on top.

Thus before using it, somebody from the community would need to :

  • compile a kernel 4.9 (Because Sailfish is still shipping kernel 4.4 for now)
  • port a "Baseport 9" to run atop of these drivers. WHICH IS NOT TRIVIAL

Note: I would find absolutely great if Jolla could find a way to pay enough devs to keep an always up-to-date baseport on the supported phone and thus always use the latest kernel on Xperias (which would also solve tons of bugs).

Saddly, they can't apparently afford that for now, see their blog about not upgrading Xperia X to baseport 8.

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thank you for the answer.
The latest binaries for nile is this one https://developer.sony.com/file/download/software-binaries-for-aosp-pie-android-9-0-kernel-4-9-nile/
It seems to me that it has the kernel 4.9. or i didn't well understand. I recognize that i'm really not up to date about this baseport 8, baseport 9, etc...

about your note. jolla hires https://jolla.com/careers/

cemoi71 ( 2019-12-04 13:24:10 +0200 )edit

I recognize that i'm really not up to date about this baseport 8, baseport 9, etc...

I've written an answer about the architecture that the guys at Jolla are using.

It seems to me that it has the kernel 4.9. or i didn't well understand.

The kernel it self is 100% opensource (GPL2). Thus Jolla doesn't actually use the Sony kernel as-is, but they recompile it and enable a few extra feature (e.g.: they enable support for the BTRFS filesystem which is popular on GNU/Linux (was even default on Jolla 1) but is absolutely unheard of in Android land, they also enable modules which tend to not be enabled on Android to lock it down better, etc.) and the initramfs is usually different (that the thing that the kernel executes and which is in charge of bringing the rest of the installed system up).

Currently, Jolla is providing us with kernel 4.4 - kernel 4.9 would need to be provided by our own means.

The Baseport is the special layer that is able to talk to the proprietary blobs (e.g.: GPU driver, etc.) in the Sony firmware that are normally designed to talk to an Android system not to a standard GNU/Linux system (e.g.: Android relies on Google's on bionic c library, whereas your standard GNU/Linux uses the standard GNU C Library. Jolla has developped libhybris to act as an adaptation layer in between).

  • Currently for Xperia XA2 Jolla has designed a "baseport 8": a layer that is designed to enable Sailfish to work atop of a kernel + firmware blob that Sony has for AOSP/Android 8 Oreo.
  • And Xperia X uses a "baseport 6": it is designed to work on top of the AOSP/Android 6 Marshmallow blobs and kernel.
  • If I understood correctly Xperia 10 uses a "baseport 9" ?
DrYak ( 2019-12-04 14:10:22 +0200 )edit

thank you very much for your explanation. And thank you for the link. in clear way to resume, yes we could install these libraries, and no, sfos won't work with it.... correct?

cemoi71 ( 2019-12-04 16:09:04 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2019-03-03 20:11:32 +0200

Seen: 1,150 times

Last updated: Dec 04 '19