How to install missing pyotherside on a Sailfish phone?
It just tried to install our prototype on the Accione and Accione P test devices for our focus group and realised the following error:
module "io.thp.pyotherside" is not installed
import io.thp.pyotherside 1.4
Maybe another or no version of pyotherside is installed on that devices. Which terminal command can I use to check the installed library? And how can I install the version, that is working for ohter Sailfish test devices?
On the the Accione Model (without the P), that I couldn't update to Sailfish, I get further errors:
library "/vendor/lib/egl/" not found
After starting the app, the debug console shows a very long list of warnings:
undefined symbol: eglSignalSyncKHR
undefined symbol: eglCreateStreamKHR
undefined symbol: eglDestroyStreamKHR
undefined symbol: eglStreamAttribKHR
undefined symbol: eglQueryStreamKHR
I think this is related to the last mentioned library. The Sailfish OS release is I think this is a special partner relase for Jala.
Thanks so much. This helped.
ASccording the second part of my question: Our app seem to work although the library is not found on the Accione. I have to make further tests to be sure.
jsommer ( 2019-03-17 18:52:01 +0200 )edit