[Bugs] No space left in device XA2
When restart aliendalvik in XA2 plus in terminal, it comes out with error: no space left in device, but checked in storage, there is still many space there.
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When restart aliendalvik in XA2 plus in terminal, it comes out with error: no space left in device, but checked in storage, there is still many space there.
I have the same problem with XA2 ( I tried as usual restart sensorfwd (devel-su systemctl restart sensorfwd) and get this error. df utility shows nothing serious. /fimage uses 89% and /firmware 87%. All other partitions have enough space.
I have SD card encrypted by standard SailfishOS tool. I noted that just after device restart before unlocking the SD card the command above works w/o problems. But just after unlock it won't work anymore.
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Asked: 2019-03-18 17:26:03 +0200
Seen: 237 times
Last updated: Mar 18 '19
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maybe it does complain about system and not user data ?
pawel ( 2019-03-18 18:25:52 +0200 )editIf your problem is with system partition, do this- https://together.jolla.com/question/156279/installing-system-updates-fails-when-there-is-not-enough-space-in-system-data-partition/?answer=156670#post-id-156670 At least on my XC it worked great to resize to 5gb...
Levone1 ( 2019-03-18 18:56:37 +0200 )editStill have 600mb
TMavica ( 2019-03-19 02:19:59 +0200 )edit