Xperia XA2 with SFOS License for Sale [sold] [not relevant]

asked 2019-03-27 21:31:18 +0200

Totti gravatar image

updated 2020-03-24 14:33:23 +0200

jiit gravatar image

Hi,offer my XA2 with full SFOS License for sale.

Spec are : Sony Xperia XA2 Smartphone (13,2 cm (5,2 Zoll) Full HD Display, 32 GB Speicher, 3 GB RAM, Android 8.0) Schwarz - Deutsche Version , with bill from 09.11.2018.

The phone is flashed with version Most time it was only used at home as test device, only last four weeks as no1 phone all day. Phone is in perfect condition an was always stored in a bag.

I will sell it complete for 200€ , selling location is germany.


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The question has been closed for the following reason "question is not relevant or outdated" by molan
close date 2019-05-16 14:28:40.224008