Provide option to mount the system partition / rootfs for Aliendalvik rewritable [Xperia XA2] [XA2 Plus] [Android 8.1]
From /var/lib/lxc/aliendalvik/config
and I can tell that the new Android 8.1 runtime is based on Linux containers and its root filesystem is a squashfs image (with lz4 compression that the squashfs-tools I can install on SailfishOS via pkcon install squashfs-tools
do not support...).
squashfs by its nature is a read-only file system. For several use cases mounting ´/system´ rw in the Android container would be really helpful: putting an su binary for rooting, moving apps to the system folder etc.
Would it be possible to either pack the system partition with an image format that can be mounted RW or provide an overlayfs based solution for the user to use the Android runtime in a more flexible manner?
Note that currently, the system.img requires both extented attibutes (for SELinux-related security stuff, otherwise
break) and compression (because space on the/opt/alien
partition is limited).Very few filesystems fulfills the requirement. One obvious choice would be BTRFS but it comes with its own bag of caveat, specially on such small space.
EXT4 could be usable (xattr) but it has no built-in compression, which could grow to be problematic on the limited space.
DrYak ( 2019-06-03 16:35:34 +0200 )edit