[XA2 Plus] overlayFS support missing in the kernel [XA2] [SailfishX]
overlayFS support is not available in the Sailfish OS kernel.
Either compiling it into the kernel or allowing installing it as a kernel module via pkcon would be extremely helpful for making the use of the whole aliendalvik Android subsystem way more flexible.
Note that, on the XA2, modules are not disabled. So until Jolla does this, it is possible to compile your own modules.
DrYak ( 2019-04-11 15:23:43 +0200 )editAlso another added benefit :
DrYak ( 2019-04-11 16:16:28 +0200 )editXA2 has containers available in the kernel (well obvious as that's what the new LXC-based Alien Dalvik relies on)
if somebody adds OverlayFS, it becomes possible to run docker without needing to reformated BTRFS partitions.
Good point. TBH, I just shy away from the effort of finding the right kernel version, the right tool chain, etc. :) So if Jolla did it, it would be way more convenient. But yes, that's the coolness about FOSS: If the vendor doesn't help you, you can help yourself ;).
micuintus ( 2019-04-12 12:02:57 +0200 )editOn the smartphone,
uname -a
telle me:Which you can easily retrieve from the official kernel.org repository (it's not that much outdated, actually) (And I doube any extra patches from Qualcomm, Sony or Jolla would influence the drivers we're interested in).
The current configuration of the kernel can be found on the phone inside
For the tool chain we've got several alternatives :
Now what remains to be done:
make kerlenversion scripts prepare
etc. that would only compile the desired parts instead ofmake all
)It this last part that is going to take an afternoon of hacking.
DrYak ( 2019-04-12 17:26:48 +0200 )edit