Answered, not a bug. available when earlyaccess updates disabled in the phone [answered]
I am still using Sipoonkorpi on XperiaX, just now wanted to update to Oulanka, and just before downloading it via update utility checked whether there were newer updates. There was, and now I have downloaded Hossa, but after reading release notes I understood this is early access release, and I have not enabled developer updates in the phone. Is this a bug? I checked my Jolla account. The early access signup was active, I previously had used it once on my Jolla C. But I was not receiving early access updates on the phones when it was disabled on the phone itself.
Now I have signed out from the early access in my Jolla account. Will the downloaded installation file be removed when the 3.0.3.x update for everybody is ready?
Edit. I have cleaned the update tool according to the instructions given here: Now Oulanka is being offered as OTA update, as it should be. So only one question remains: why the early adopters update is available if it is disabled in the phone (but signed up in Jolla account)?
It is here: Settings: Developer tools: option "Enable developer updates".
You mean it is something else? I thought this is the same. Early access should be generaly opted in Jolla account and specifically opted in the particular device (in case if Jolla user has got more than one device registered in his Jolla account).
Ta_das ( 2019-04-28 21:44:12 +0200 )editNow it's clear. Settings' opption "Developer updates" is for cbeta releases. Only now I have figured it out after three year Sailfish usage. I think the question is answered.
@atah thank you for the guidance to read once more the explanations at zendesk.
Ta_das ( 2019-04-28 22:12:12 +0200 )edit