2019-05-03 14:31:08 +0200
Rule of thumb: Keeping a sensor on while display is off -> is likely to increase idle power consumption - in some cases by an order of magnitude -> it needs to be a special case to be worthwhile and even then results might vary from one hw to another.
As an example, Jolla phone, proximity sensor & double tap. Ballpark power consumption figures are: display on 300 mA, display off 15 mA, suspended 4 mA. Proximity sensor works in suspend and adds about 1 mA. Keeping the touch panel on for double tap detection takes some power, but false positive capacitive touch (e.g. phone in pant pocket, display facing thigh) can make it jump to something like 13 mA -> Using 1 mA to avoid larger drain = more or less makes sense = default sfos behavior is to disable double tap detection when p-sensor is covered.
[As a side effect - at least in theory - all devices that do support double tap and where double tap detection can be disabled already consume a bit less power if you put the phone on a table face down.]
Counter example: In many / most / all devices orientation tracking requires keeping device out of suspend -> that alone is likely to negate any gains from elsewhere - before the power consumption of the sensor itself is even considered.
it's common enough on other platforms that it would probably not be too hard to adapt the code... I guess you just need someone knowledgeable enough to be willing to take the time to do it. But I would guess Jolla is already considering these kind of popular functions...
Levone1 ( 2019-04-30 15:40:35 +0200 )editIsn't it already the case that Sailfish puts the phone to deep-sleep when the proximity sensor detects proximity and no user action is performed? Unfortunately I didn't find documentation about deep-sleep.
Spark ( 2019-04-30 16:28:06 +0200 )editAs @Spark said that this really should already be the case. I'm not too into this kind of function that requires me to perform something on the phone in order to put it in sleep mode. In my opinion, this should be automatic handling of the OS
Sakke ( 2019-05-02 16:47:25 +0200 )edit