[XA2 Plus - H4413] Flashing failed on Windows by 'Access denied'-Message
I followed the instructions (X Free) and unlocked my new XA2 Plus. (I am quite sure because my device tells me: Please lock the bootloader! when I start it.)
In Step 6.7 the bat stops with an 'Access denied'-Error (German: Zugriff verweigert):
This is a Windows flashing script for Sony Xperia X device.
Power on the device in fastboot mode, by doing the following:
1. Turn off your Xperia.
2. Connect one end of a USB cable to your PC.
3. While holding the volume up button pressed, connect the other end of
the USB cable to your Xperia.
4. After this you should see the blue LED lit on Xperia, and it will be
ready for flashing
Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .
MD5SUM 'ed5a809dc0024d83cbab4fb9933d598d' match for file 'AdbWinApi.dll'.
MD5SUM '0e24119daf1909e398fa1850b6112077' match for file 'AdbWinUsbApi.dll'.
MD5SUM 'c980ea6caa9140ee3f30cdc0e98844c4' match for file 'fastboot.exe'.
MD5SUM 'f33eb05c690baf6623760503086470f0' match for file 'flash-on-windows.bat'.
Searching a compatible device...
Zugriff verweigert
This device has not been unlocked for the flashing. Please follow the
instructions how to unlock your device at the following webpage:
Press enter to open browser with the webpage.
Maybe I was a little bit too rash because I started with the steps of the instructions and didnt pay attention to the preface. I didnt use my new phone before and tried the flashing at first.
- The cause of the denial is the unused phone? Is there any other mistake possible?
- Do I have to undo the whole unlocking or is there a shortcut to proceed the flashing process? Do I have to reinstall a driver etc.?
Which android version did you run prior to unlocking the bootloader?
bomo ( 2019-05-07 14:16:48 +0200 )editAndroid 8.0
Hoenk ( 2019-05-12 14:46:14 +0200 )edit