Can connect to the build vm, but not to the emulator
I'm running the SDK on Arch Linux, and since it could be the problem, installed it under /opt/SailfishSDK
, even though all rights seme sat right.
I also get Failed to mount FFS
, if this helps.
Network doesn't seem to show up in ip a
, but why then does the build vm work?
Other OSses are working well in Virtualbox, KVM works, too.
Any idea to help me?
ssh access works.
ssh works not with the key, I always need to type in password, even after I regenerated ssh keys.
MerConnection: "Failed to establish SSH conection with virtual machine \"Sailfish OS Emulator\": 5 Problem mit privatem Schlüssel: No such file or directory"
QIODevice::write (Utils::SaveFile, ""): device not open
SOFT ASSERT: "ok" in file ../../../../sailfish-qtcreator/src/plugins/mer/meremulatordevice.cpp, line 656
QIODevice::write (Utils::SaveFile, ""): device not open
New Problem: The keys are under /opt/SailfishSDK/vmshare/ssh/
and I can solve the problem with a symlink, since I can't change the paths under devices, but I don't know where the ssh config is now. It's just missing, can't find it anywhere.
Let's start with some basic info: Which SDK version are you using? Does the emulator start (but you are just unable to connect to it)?
vige ( 2019-05-20 07:02:37 +0200 )editI use the latest version, of course. And yes, the emulator starts.
bionade24 ( 2019-05-20 08:16:36 +0200 )editCan you connect using ssh from the command line? Try "ssh -i /opt/SailfishSDK/vmshare/ssh/private_keys/Sailfish_OS-Emulator-latest/nemo -p 2223 nemo@". If not, what kind of error message does ssh give?
vige ( 2019-05-20 08:24:43 +0200 )editYes, ssh acces works.
bionade24 ( 2019-05-20 18:01:22 +0200 )editThat suggests that there is something wrong in the Qt Creator device configuration. Go to Tools->Options->Devices. Select "Sailfish OS Emulator (default for Sailfish OS Device)". Check that the SSH port is "2223" (the same you used when connecting from command line). Try "Regenerate SSH Keys" - it sometimes helps.
vige ( 2019-05-21 10:24:27 +0200 )edit