Top menu media volume slider?
Hi. Can you tell me please, how can I get media volume slider in top menu? Now I have only two options in settings: brightness and ringtone volume.
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Hi. Can you tell me please, how can I get media volume slider in top menu? Now I have only two options in settings: brightness and ringtone volume.
Extended volume contols patch by coderus adds media volume bar which is shown with ringtone volume bar when using volume buttons. I use it to make top menu more compact. Version numbers aren't up to date, but patch works with 3.1.0 on XA2. Needs developer mode enabled in patch manager. Not top menu, but I feel it's easier that way.
Edit: converted to answer
The version on Openrepos does not install or apply on my device (Jolla1) but another version found in Patchmanager's Web catalog does work on my device.
Spam Hunter ( 2019-07-28 16:30:20 +0200 )editGood to know. I have used web-catalog with J1 since it has been available. XA2 is waiting for right moment to be daily driver. AFAIK Web-catalog is intended way to install. @coderus propably don't want maintain two versions and left openrepos version for compatibility. I've heard that some people use 2.x Sailfish.
mSorvisto ( 2019-07-28 17:50:21 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2019-07-27 13:18:52 +0200
Seen: 363 times
Last updated: Jul 27 '19
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Because of how 'profile/system audio/music audio' are intertwined, there is no easy answer to give you. If you have some coding skills, then start by looking in '/usr/share/jolla-settings/entries' there you will find json files that make up a 'topmenu' shortcut.
Spam Hunter ( 2019-07-27 13:50:56 +0200 )editHmm, looks good. But I have error while installing it. Will try to patch it manually.
zv0r ( 2019-07-27 15:40:10 +0200 )editSorry forgot to mention that it needs to enable patchmagers developer mode to apply.
mSorvisto ( 2019-07-27 15:45:52 +0200 )editWow. Now it works flawlessly. Thanks for the help!
zv0r ( 2019-07-27 16:37:45 +0200 )edit