Cannot import ics file to Jolla calendar
I downloaded this ics file from a local college: Jolla says its importing the dates and does not report an error. However, dates do not show up in the calendar then. Bug or feature?
i believe ... .ics files pointing at aliendalvik's google calendar, which is supposed to sync with jollacalendar. That's what happens when I tap 'add to calendar' in my public transport app. (on XA2 - on X it's working fine)
danfin ( 2019-08-13 11:48:19 +0200 )editYour ICS data seems to be malformed, as far as I know. Look at the DTSTART field:
. It should be something like:DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20190916T193000
. Spot the misplaced closing quote (quote are even not necessary), or the missing semi colon between DTSTART and TZID…The parser (libical) is not raising error on this, but is ignoring your DTSTART so all events are set January, 1st 1970…
If you believe that your syntax is indeed correct, I'll fill a bug upstream in libical.
Damien Caliste ( 2019-08-13 12:20:51 +0200 )editmy time consuming workaround for the public transport / no google calendar problem: Open train schedule in a browser, download the .ics file, click on it in transfers it will import to sailfish calendar. Conclusion: Importing .ics files works here.
danfin ( 2019-08-13 19:18:20 +0200 )edit