Android support really great

asked 2019-08-26 22:47:18 +0200

wosrediinanatour gravatar image

Just want to say: SailfishOS' Android support with MicroG works great.

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i concur. I have jumped back in since it came out of Beta since 2+ years away on Anfroid. I was nervous at first to make the jumo but I am super amazed, I can do anything I need and more. SFOS X should have much more widespread aknowledgement of this! I do not plan to go back to android. If only there were more native apps....I wish there was a native Deezer or messanger app but cant hsve it all

Camera performance is a bit poor but perfectable usable with Advamced cam.

lqramen ( 2019-08-27 00:07:59 +0200 )edit

Regarding Messenger:

  • You can use the web interface, works on Sailfish Browser
  • There are native wrapper around the web interface - e.g.: Sailbook. (It isn't completely dissimilar from how the android app works)
  • There are libpurple plugins that works with the web interface to make Messenger (also same for Skype Web app) work on native software (on linux desktop I've successfully used it on Pidgin), and there are telepathy plugins to make Facebook chat work on Salfish Message native app (But I haven't tried out those).
  • Also, Facebook make "Lite" version of their android apps, which are less intrusive and less ressouce-hungry (but lack a couple of features). That includes Facebook Messenger Lite, that one it still dependent on Android compatibility layer, but it's less ressource heavy.

Currently, only the Android applications support Audio and Video calls. In theory if the author (Eion Robb) of the upstream libpurple manages to get webRTC working, it should be possible to plug that into telepathy.

DrYak ( 2019-08-27 03:52:20 +0200 )edit