Idea: Show clock while screen turned off [duplicate]
Remember the great feature of the N9? It shows the clock even though the screen is in "off" mode (would that be the screen-protector mode?). Only when turned upside down or something lay on the proximity sensor it would really turn off the screen.
This has been one killer feature for me and I was so happy when the N9 brought back what was standard in many old mobile phones.
Background I do not wear watches but still, sometimes I want to check the time without showing discussion partners. E.g. you're on a boring date, your phone lies on the table and a quick glimpse to the phone is all you need to get the information. Likewise, in a meeting with a customer, etc. Usually I do not want take the phone into my hands or even get it out of my pocket and press a button. The opposite may wonder if the topics not interesting or if I have better things to do, etc.
I call this feature the UNSEEN TIME CHECK Please vote ;-)
This is only possible when the display is capable of this "low power mode" as in the N9.
Venty ( 2014-01-30 14:11:02 +0200 )edit