Disable some system sounds when playing music
Is it possible to disable some or all system sounds (ie. pulley menu click) automatically when playing music with Media player?
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Asked: 2014-01-30 23:27:03 +0200
Seen: 83 times
Last updated: Jan 30 '14
[feature-request] Music player should remember repeat and shuffle settings
Suggestion: Setting to turn off sound level warning
.wma music record unprotected content, can't play [answered]
Bug: media app loads a large music collection very slowly
Which audio/video codecs are supported by the Media app?
Feature request: tracks rating in Media app
What does wlan icon with "!" mean? [answered]
Avoid reloading the whole page every time you switch to another browser tab
I absolutely second this. It is a complete nuisance.
Shoppinguin ( 2015-09-13 09:06:38 +0200 )edit