android background processes always running
I noticed that processes are running even if there are no apps in use. even after reboot these processes are there..
What do they do? send data to google server?
For now I uninstalled android layer, didn't use the apps anyway
edit: found this was deleted, undeleted it, because would like an answer.
There is going to be an app to kill and restart alien dalvick :
Peter Pykäläinen @pykape #KillDroid #teaser, stop or restart #jolla Android service for those not liking #cli. Soon in Jolla Store.
Interesting. Would be nice if someone with knowledge about this would give a valuable and understandable answer.
Neo ( 2014-01-31 00:46:21 +0200 )editWho deleted the question?
Neo ( 2014-02-02 23:46:10 +0200 )edit@Neo don't know , can't see I'm on mobile right now
teun ( 2014-02-03 00:01:54 +0200 )editThere are Android apps that run in the background (e.g. Whatsapp) even if you close the app itself.
Ozymandias ( 2014-02-03 10:00:05 +0200 )edit