Larger tolerance in menus
asked 2019-10-27 22:38:29 +0200
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I have a recurring event for taking my medicine each night. Some times I have already taken it, some times my phone is out of reach for me to reach it, so it becomes very load before I get to mute it. But eventually you have to be very precise in hitting the right menu item. within a couple of millimeters. Give it a few more, and let the programmers implement a remorse item if it's a problem.
Slightly related note - I've quite often hit 'snooze' instead of 'dismiss' when the alarm goes off because I'm half asleep, don't have my glasses on, and don't know which way up the phone is. Edge case maybe, but I still think of it as a bit of a ui failure.
epninety ( 2019-10-27 23:18:27 +0200 )edit