return old UI design [answered]
as @Ancelad's patches are not maintained: Are there simple ways to get old pulley menu, old button style, old remorse item animation, old remorse popup animation back for us non programmers? I just happen to prefer the old unlike appearance, and if I could, I'd also get rid of the handle to the apps drawer. That kind of stuff could all be part of user selectable ambiences, after all, that might be fun.
I'm ready to spent all my karma to upvote this!
kandelabra ( 2019-11-01 12:39:29 +0200 )editAmen to that brother, as it seems the more updates are rolling out, the features that made Sailfish so appealing seem to be disappearing. I know Jolla is in for the profit as any sensible company would be but a choice for the end user is the least we could be entitled for.
DameCENO ( 2019-11-01 13:13:56 +0200 )edit