SD-Card not automatically mounted after reboot
Hello sailors,
now it happens that the sd-card is not mounted any more after sfos reboot
I should apply this always from hand afterwards.
Happens just after upgrade my xa2+ with
Formerly it was done always automatically.
I use ext4 format.
Actually it seems that happens with sdcards with ext4 format. tbc for other format...
Please sailors give a feedback with the format which it happens, just for having a picture on which format is the issue.
Thanks to jolla-devs for looking at this :-)
Have a nice week all. cheers
I had to do this only once.
But iirc when unmounted manually it is not mounted automatically after reboot (could be wrong, may check once more later...)
peterleinchen ( 2019-11-11 09:33:49 +0300 )editi must do it every time (did 3x yesterday...)
cemoi71 ( 2019-11-11 09:41:02 +0300 )editSame issue here (XA2, single sim), did not happen prior to OS update to 3.2. The SD Card is not automatically mounted after re-boot, although it was mounted before. Mounting it manually via settings - memory works, but it's still annoying.
Cosine ( 2019-11-12 21:18:19 +0300 )edit@spiiroin could you please give a look at this. The sd-card automount for the xa2. seems not to work any more...
cemoi71 ( 2019-11-13 00:12:30 +0300 )editFor me it didn't automount fat partition for maybe 5 restarts. When I restarted my XA2 single sim today the fat partition was mounted automagically. Ext3 and luks encrypted partitions have been automounted properly every time.
MRI-xa2 ( 2019-11-13 09:27:54 +0300 )edit