Xperia 10 - double tap to wake?
I understood this is not possible on XA2, any hope it could be gotten to work on 10?
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I understood this is not possible on XA2, any hope it could be gotten to work on 10?
Hopely this double tap wake up feature will come to Xperia 10. Using power button is really annoying.
you can switch on wake up by fingerprint. and at least o Xperia x a double tap to wake up can be set up by a command line input. i do not want to search for it but a thread exists already. search for it on together - maybe you also can search my comments, i do not write that often and i remember be posting a comment or two to that topic
NuklearFart ( 2020-06-09 21:39:31 +0200 )editAccording to this article, the original software of Xperia 10 (Plus) doesn't support that feature. So it seems like double tap to wake is not possible on that device.
The flipside of that coin is that there aren’t a lot of features built into the OS. There isn’t an always-on display, lift to wake or double tap to wake at all here.
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Asked: 2019-12-07 16:32:35 +0200
Seen: 3,814 times
Last updated: Jun 09 '20
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I guess not since both platforms are quite similar.
Nekron ( 2019-12-09 11:56:42 +0200 )editDid you check or I tried mce-tools to activate double tap on my xperia x, but it made the phone unstable.
hsjpekka ( 2020-06-12 07:47:12 +0200 )edit