Xperia 10 - battery consumption
I have noticed this is not really on par with Xperia X. Is there any chance it will be improved in the future?
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I have noticed this is not really on par with Xperia X. Is there any chance it will be improved in the future?
I am also having bad power consumption in Xperia 10, and fast battery drain.
On my Xperia XA2 Plus, I leave it connected to Wifi and 4G all night, and I barely lose 1-3% overnight, while on X10 I lose up to 10% overnight. Seems there is a regression bug in X10 in regards to power consumption.
On X10:
EDIT: Here are consumption for one working day. As you can see, most of the day I was connected on mobile data (4G/3G), however did not use the phone (occasionally looking for the clock, dismissing notifications). The big spike at the end is when I was home and used the phone (video, browsing Firefox).
Three observations:
EDIT 2: Changed setting to prefer 3G, here are the results when not using the phone :
I can not be happy with XA2 either. Battery life up to 2 days until battery charge 30-35 %. When I look Battery log: Suddently drops with 4G up to 13 % over 1 h 44 min eg. Also suddently drops with 3G up to 4% over 31 minutes eg.
Thus totally unexpected and without any rules - are these due to mystical syncronisations or what?
Thus, I'm not convenient and happy with the battery life of XA2, too. Something stabilisation or aslike is needed asap.
N9Sailfish ( 2020-01-12 18:29:58 +0200 )editThe draining is on WiFi, or even without internet. Using the phone drains the battery, I suspect it is CPU/GPU issues that needs to be optimized.
Actually, the phone on idle behave correctly. Draining is low (higher than XA2 Plus, but still ok, in par to Android), but as soon as I use the phone (Firefox, media, games), then battery is draining faster than XA2P.
orangecat ( 2020-01-12 20:39:24 +0200 )editI use the app "situation" and switch off gps and switch to only 2G because WLAN in the profile Home. At work I switch off WLAN and switch on 4G. In the night I switch also off the WLAN and bluetooth.
With this and many other roules I came on 2 days with out charging.
can you guys check if the problem is because of ofonod process. I checked the processes using Lighthouse app and found it out to be ofonod. Then in command line, I restarted the process, which stopped the battery drain. In terminal type following command
systemctl restart ofono
bane07 ( 2020-01-13 04:23:05 +0200 )editbump, it is the fingerprint! see comments before, how to disable it?
Edit /vendor/etc/init/
, add disabled
on the new line at the end of file. Also mask systemd unit: systemctl mask sailfish-fpd.service
@Chris_ That won't stop android fingerprint service from running, because it started by android init, not systemd. And it's android service the one that's causing too high cpu usage, at least on XA2 plus.
@manu it might have different number after the @ on different devices.
0xe4524ffe ( 2020-01-21 00:04:53 +0200 )edit@manu: as we don't use it on Tama, it will be disabled in the next release. You can do it manually as in
if we get FP support, will have to enable it back.
rinigus ( 2020-01-21 19:38:14 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2019-12-10 19:44:38 +0200
Seen: 1,596 times
Last updated: Jan 20 '20
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I think one of the issues is that the NFC is activated after each restart. They should make it so that it is deactivated by default and remembers the user's preference. That being said, after turning the NFC off batt improved but still not on par with xperia X
rubyhorse ( 2019-12-10 20:25:36 +0200 )editthe smaller and display is bigger
pawel ( 2019-12-10 22:15:27 +0200 )edittry network mode 3g, when you are not using android apps...
manu ( 2019-12-10 22:27:21 +0200 )editDisabling NFC did not seem to make a huge difference. My subscription is only 3G so I do not know how much that will help but will try tomorrow.
jeskata ( 2019-12-11 23:13:42 +0200 )editI found the comment by waterstorm in this thread
Changing the network mode to "prefer 3g" made the world of difference to me in battery life. I went from "almost a day" to "been using it for a day and I'm at 68%".
kultsinuppeli ( 2019-12-13 23:11:03 +0200 )edit