Is there a working native messenger? [answered]
I need calls over the Internet. Are there any native (.RPM) messengers for SailfishOS for Sony Xperia XA2?, for example, telegramm, viber, whatsapp, signal, skype and so on ...)
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I need calls over the Internet. Are there any native (.RPM) messengers for SailfishOS for Sony Xperia XA2?, for example, telegramm, viber, whatsapp, signal, skype and so on ...)
@jollaxa2 - the plain and simple answer for now is, "no", there are not any native messenger applications for SFOS. There have been a few, which have eventually been blocked by the original author, for example, we did have Whatsup (Whatsapp) by one of our forum users 'coderus', but users of the app had their profiles blocked, preventing them from using even the official versions (.APK) of the app.
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Asked: 2019-12-26 21:42:45 +0200
Seen: 1,014 times
Last updated: Apr 09 '20
Bug: Phone call can't be answered or dropped [released]
How can one import to Jolla the N900/N9 call/sms history? [answered]
[Feature-request] Automatic call answer when connected to (BT) handsfree/headset
[Implemented in] Wrong translation (pl) of text when someone is calling [not relevant]
Bug: Phone app does not start from the top [answered]
Bug: incoming call time counter [released]
Black screen on incoming and after phone call [not relevant]
see my answer here for Whatsapp;
Spam Hunter ( 2019-12-26 21:48:41 +0200 )edit@jollaxa2 Which messengers have you already tried and what did not work?
Sebix ( 2019-12-26 21:58:48 +0200 )edit@Sebix does not work: telegra'me,morsender,depecher,telegram desktop, sailorgram,telepaty-morse, whatsup,sailorgram, are working: jollagram(only chat works, sound notifications do not come) @Edz мне не нужен apk android!!!! мне нужен rpm мессееджер!!!!!
jollaxa2 ( 2019-12-26 22:32:26 +0200 )edit@jollaxa2 In your question you ask for an .apk. And in your comment you tell Edz you don't need an .apk you are looking for a .rpm. So what the ** are your needs?
dirksche ( 2019-12-27 00:34:14 +0200 )editthanks @dirksche, hence I answered the way I did, I am guilty of speed reading also.
@jollaxa2 - I speak English and Legalise, but not Russian. Looks like I answered correctly in my first comment as you've already listed the apparent native messengers that don't work. Whatsapp is pretty much your only option, well that is for a messenger that works quite well and reliable but with options not fully supported by Alien Dalvik.
Spam Hunter ( 2019-12-27 00:40:38 +0200 )edit