[wiki] Fxtec Pro1 - Sailfish OS tips and tricks
asked 2019-12-29 21:20:33 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
Useful sources
- Main Homepage, fxtec.com
- F(x)tec official Community Forum
- Main Telegram Group, F(x)tec Pro¹
- Twitter, @thefxtec, corporate account
unofficial, community driven
- GitLab, Adaptation Sources
- Github, repository and issue tracker
- talk.maemo.org community thread SFOS on F(x)tec Pro¹
- Telegram SFOS Users on F(x)tec Pro¹
- Telegram F(x)tec Fangroup
- Discord Channels
- SubReddit
Useful Information
If you are not using the latest SFOS version and see a billion of Samsung partitions in Settings > Storage, do not mess with them.
- Firmware Flashing
- Latest Available OS Version ⚠ it is important to update to to avoid SIM card issues ⚠
- TWRP instructions for flashing, backing up or restoring SFOS, and for factory reset to Stock Android
- Change to safer "testing" branch for updates
Hardware Keyboard Layouts
RU, US and DE default layouts are now included since 3.2.x. Below links serve as examples to debug if the correct layout is not automatically selected when selecting your language in Sailfish OS. The links also show how to create your own layout, or use some more specific layouts made by the community (i.e., dead keys and such).
- Russian HW layout [QWERTY model]
- US-international with dead keys or with AltGr dead keys (several layouts available) [QWERTY model]
- German layout [QWERTZ model]
Tips and Tricks
- Lock orientation to landscape while hwkbd slide is open
- Custom Boot Splashscreen (splascreen changer app available)
- ESC key on HW Keyboard wakes up the screen
- Allow landscape orientation in homescreen
- Keyboard backlight support (automatic using mce and manual using a cover action)
- Hardware decoding of h.264 and h.265 (hevc) in native SFOS applications
- Activate "off-mode-charge" eg. Standby/Powered Off Charge via fastboot
in general this device is quite modern and strong. Only the apn (photo part) is something poor I think...
cemoi71 ( 2020-01-23 01:29:17 +0200 )editIdeally would be fine if a brother could be done without the hard keyboard...
cemoi71 ( 2020-01-23 01:30:42 +0200 )editDoes double tap to wake display working under sailfish os?
Jk ( 2020-03-11 17:13:09 +0200 )edit@Jk, no. It did in first releases of the port but needed to be disabled to circumvent a total screen freeze issue it caused.
mosen ( 2020-05-19 21:07:34 +0200 )edit