BUG: Screen goes off, phone call on speaker
During making call and using laudspeaker, proximity sensor should be disabled. Have a look how it works in N9
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During making call and using laudspeaker, proximity sensor should be disabled. Have a look how it works in N9
This is a bug caused by changes in audio routing.
Instead of having just "ihf" audio sink, there is now also separate "ihfforcall" which is used during call.
The blanking policy engine does not recognize it and thus the proximity blanking stays enabled.
Filed internal ticket for this.
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Asked: 2014-01-31 23:04:13 +0200
Seen: 256 times
Last updated: Feb 03 '14
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Does it happen when something is close to the top of the screen? (proximity sensor feature)
simo ( 2014-01-31 23:09:37 +0200 )edit@simo no. it happened before i have made video, when camera was close.
cropas ( 2014-01-31 23:11:39 +0200 )editCould you edit all the steps you took like 1. 2. 3. to your question? That might help a lot
simo ( 2014-01-31 23:15:21 +0200 )edit@simo sorry - you're right. it's a proximity sensor bug.
cropas ( 2014-01-31 23:17:25 +0200 )edita bug or a "feature"? trying to think the tagging...
simo ( 2014-01-31 23:29:15 +0200 )edit