Which phone to buy in 2020?
asked 2020-01-07 03:38:21 +0200

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Hi, I decided to buy my first Sailfish os phone, but I dont know which one to choose. First idea just buy the newest one, but I read about some bugs, is it better now? Then I found xperia x for good price a really like some hardware fetures, but then I found some info about cancelling support for this model, Is true? And then XA2, It looks like it has big battery, Is it better in any way, then 10 or X? Hope this is right place to ask (Dont have special requirments about phone, maybe just good camera, but its not priority)
my xa2 has 3 days battery, the x only 2, x has better hw but only droid 4(which for some people is bad). some things are more fluent since i installed sf3 on xa2 compared to xx with sf2. best usability still on my j1 with sf1 ^^ all other phones are fat
NuklearFart ( 2020-01-07 10:34:27 +0200 )editI'm _very_ happy with my Sony Xperia X (I don't use Android support). I would love to buy a XA2 (not Ultra, it's far too big), but they're not around anymore. I can't find them anywhere. Form factor 21:9 is not for me (I'm totally fine with 16:9 or even 14:9), so that rules out Xperia 10. I would love to hear from Jolla, whether they have som plans or intentions to, within a foreseeable future, support other devices.
Lars Maria ( 2020-01-10 08:07:04 +0200 )edit@NuklearFart You are lucky with your XA2 with battery life 3 days. My XA2 4111 attains only two days from 100 % down to 30-35 %. No sense to go lower in charge due to the battery physical condition. I use Android support. SFOS
N9Sailfish ( 2020-01-11 09:32:26 +0200 )editi also use droid supp but only a few times a day and i shut it down overnight and sometimes during a day. 2 days until 35% makes one day left. my battery logger tells me i'm at 3.5 days when fully charged and in the morning it hops over 4 days. my x x had less consumption over day but less capacity, over night and when on standby my xa2 cosumes almost nothing where my xx consumed at least some mA. if battle net pages would work with stock browser again then i'd only use droid for a little game i used to play 10 minutes a day and my battery would even last longer :)
NuklearFart ( 2020-01-11 09:49:02 +0200 )edit