[bug] Sailfish arbitrary losing Ambiences and logging out Jolla-Account

asked 2020-02-25 19:52:18 +0300

Picanha gravatar image

updated 2020-02-25 19:54:18 +0300

Several times already I have experiended the following behavior on XA2. Today it happened again, so I want to publish this issue because it is seriously annoying.


  1. Phone was placed on a table and was not in use for a few hours.
  2. When taking a look on the phone, all Ambiences in Top Menue have been lost suddenly:

    Ambiences not visible in Top Menue anymore

  3. Also checking available Ambiences in Settings doesn't show any possible Ambience anymore:

    Ambiences not available in "Settings" anymore

  4. After rebooting the phone, completely all Ambiences arrived back (while ignoring previously selected favorites or deleted ones) and the Jolla-account has been logged out:

    After rebooting, all Ambiences are back and Jolla-account is looged out

This bug is really annoying! Did anyone experience a similar behavior? I couldn't determine the reason for it yet, maybe someone has put efforts into?

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It seems this bug especially appears in case the phone didn't have a network connection to sync CalDAV/CardDAV. But I am not yet sure about this.

Picanha ( 2020-03-29 12:10:42 +0300 )edit