[SOLD] Sony Xperia X and XA2
* Both phones sold, thank you for your interest! Also, please note, for anyone that may be checking this as a reference point for selling a phone on the website, as per item 2 of the software's Notices & Disclaimers: "The Sailfish X license is tied to (i) the Jolla account that is used to obtain the license, and (ii) the IMEI code of the device on which the software is first installed. Jolla will not support the transfer of the license from one user account to another, or from one device model to another."
I am interested in the XA2. For how long did you use it? Is the battery in normal condition taking its age into account? Could you share some photos? You can contact me via e-mail (without the spaces): b e n j a m i n [a t] e i k e l [d o t] o r g
Benjamin ( 2020-02-27 20:21:40 +0200 )editThanks for your interest, will email.
Mike B ( 2020-02-27 22:49:01 +0200 )editinteresting! Maybe could you enlight us a bit more? -Are the phones simple or double sim? -For each phone how many percent of their original battery life has been lost over the years to your opinon/experience? Thanks!
Yusssufff ( 2020-02-27 23:14:57 +0200 )editThank you for the update! Thats much clearer now! Please also let us know in an update to the post if one or both phones get sold! I may be interested in one the phones, please email me at " merdenboite (at) tutanota (dot) com
Yusssufff ( 2020-02-28 12:36:29 +0200 )edit