Coboot Android on Gemini PDA?
With still no Aliendalvik available for the Gemini PDA I wonder if there might be a possibility to access and coboot the Android partition in SailfishOS in a similar manner as it is possible to coboot a Windows partition in Linux through virtualbox? This needn't neccessarily be based on vbox (it is possible to boot android-x86 in virtualbox though). Cobooting Android in SailfishOS might be even easier since it utilizes the same kernel as SfOS. This might also be interesting for the F(x)tec Pro1 (or any other SfOS/Android dual boot setup). DuckduckGo led me to, but I don't know what this package does since there is no readme and I don't want to spoil my device. Is there anybody working on this topic?
People were successfull using Anbox on other devices, so maybe that's the right route?
JacekJagosz ( 2020-03-26 01:33:43 +0200 )edit