[XA2, X10][Android] Screen (orientation) glitching on landscape

asked 2020-04-03 11:38:43 +0300

Sakke gravatar image

updated 2020-04-05 14:03:07 +0300

Hi sailors!

Casual description

After updating to Sailfish on my Xperia XA2 Dual-Sim, I can't normally watch videos at least on Google Chrome anymore if I turn the phone on landscape. It seems that on the landscape the video stops although video sound playback continues and casual controls for video media aren't visible any longer and tapping doesn't evoke them as it usually would do.

What I've tried and found out

I have tried to reboot, restart Android support, ssu re and version --dup etc. but they only seem to help for a moment. About a year ago I pointed out this issue which was about screen bugs but it was released later on and I hope it's not related to this new issue. I suppose that since now Android apps preserve orientation settings, fullscreen somehow glitches with the current orientation on landscape and then tilts it.

Issue has been confirmed at least on XA2 Dual-Sim and Xperia 10 devices using Chrome, Opera or Bromite browsers.

Example case on Chrome

So yesterday I was trying to watch YouTube using Chrome, which normally have worked just fine. When I put fullscreen on the video controls, it worked normally for a couple of seconds and then the whole video freezed but the sounds were on. I also noticed that I wasn't able to evoke the controls anymore. Some random clicks were able to fast-forward the video or move on to the second video on the list. This makes me wonder since the controls seem to be there, but they aren't been shown or they might be in a totally different position.

So here are some images about this glitch / bug that I was able to produce by switching between orientations and fullscreen => portrait etc. On the left side image I could oddly browse with that tiny area between the black areas.

image description

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Thanks for the report. Playback of Youtube videos seems to hang up with Chrome in the way you describe.

Fortunately, it works fine with Firefox and Sailfish Browser.

jovirkku ( 2020-04-03 15:14:37 +0300 )edit

Same with Opera browser on Xperia 10. After trying to watch a video on some site in full screen, all android apps got jammed to landscape orientation.

tmy ( 2020-04-04 17:10:25 +0300 )edit

I think there is a problem with Screen orientation with android apps in general with If i start firefox and tilt my XA2 plus it doesn't switch to landscape. If i open "barcode scanner" that is in landscape mode then firefox also switch to landscape but it's locked in landscape mode until i kill the apps and restart android support.

abc123 ( 2020-04-05 18:28:36 +0300 )edit

The problem has not been fixed in

abc123 ( 2020-04-25 14:46:43 +0300 )edit

@abc123, Yes. It's not even mentioned in 3.3.0 release notes that it would've been fixed.

Sakke ( 2020-04-25 19:29:03 +0300 )edit