[3.3.0] Issues with Nextcloud integration
asked 2020-04-03 13:07:23 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
There are some serious issues with the new Nextcloud integration, introduced with 3.3.0 Rokua (Xperia X, Nextcloud 18.0.3):
- Some features seem to work only if the nextcloud instance is located in the website's root directory. Be sure to access nextcloud at https://nextcloud.servername instead of https://servername/nextcloud. Creating a subdomain may be a solution.
- Some third-party apps seem to cause conflicts with the new nextcloud sharing option. If the sharing dialogue stays blank, removing the libowncloudshareplugin.so library (or the app that brought it) may be necessary.
- It's unclear if nextcloud contact integration is intended to replace carddav synch. I am unable to find any signs of nextcloud synchronization in the contacts app.
- It is unclear how the gallery integration handles previews of nextcloud photos. Is it possible to force the creation of thumbnails? How to update or delete them? Where are they stored on the device? It seems the gallery app loads the actual full-size photos, not the nextcloud previews. Wouldn't it be much better to use previews which are optimized for size and speed?
- There is no indication you've entered incorrect credentials. Only sharing fails with an "Oops, uploading didn't work"-error.
- There is no option to change credentials after account creation. It looked to me as if credentials were checked when creating the account, but this appeared not the case.
- Only Photos on the Nextcloud instance are accessible. Accessing documents and other files is not possible. (afaik)
- Sharing a photo to NC, and then immediately view it in Gallery app resulted in a broken preview image in Gallery (only upper half visible, lower half gray), possibly because uploading or server-side processing was still in progress. (My NC instance is running on a very slow machine, AMD E-450)
- Nextcloud notifications should be visible in Sailfish events view, but they are not. Nextcloud app update notifications aren't visible on my phone after triggering a manual synchronization of my nextcloud account.
In its current state, nextcloud integration seems to be in an early experimental state. Far from being useable to be honest.
Don't get me wrong. Nextcloud integration is the right direction from a data protection and security perspective, it suits the Jolla/Sailfish philosophy very well. But integration is more than photo and notes upload. There are native apps that do two-way nextcloud folder synchronization very well. Wouldn't it be much better to integrate such (existing) functionality into the OS? Am I expecting too much?
Possibly a partial update? Backing up to Nextcloud and uploading notes (app was installed) do work for me. Also I didn't see duplicate accounts in the share dialogue.
Blizzz ( 2020-04-03 13:17:19 +0200 )edit@Blizzz: yes, the first update attempt failed with the lost connectivity issue. But I was able to solve that with the instructions provided here. Now the phone seems to be updated correctly, at least I found no issues apart from the nextcloud-related ones.
ziellos ( 2020-04-03 14:05:21 +0200 )editCouldn't create an account with calendar enabled either. The I checked the logs and saw this silliness:
Sailfish estart[4905]: [W] unknown:0 - ignoring possibly malicious redirect from QUrl("https://server.fqdn/nextcloud") to QUrl("https://server.fqdn/nextcloud/")
(yes, there was a trailing slash in the URL entered in the UI). Workaround: add TWO trailing slashes.
lm ( 2020-04-03 14:35:52 +0200 )editIn my case the Share-Dialogue does not work, The account and Backup and Contacts and Calendar works. But the Nextcloud Pictures folder is also not working.
fridl ( 2020-04-03 14:43:54 +0200 )edityou need to have a folder called "Photos" in your Nextcloud for sharing and Pictures in Gallery to appear.. It is a hard coded path!
jayki ( 2020-04-03 15:02:28 +0200 )edit