SFOS Remote - phone web access app

asked 2020-04-10 22:27:37 +0200

igor gravatar image

updated 2020-04-10 22:28:55 +0200

Hi everyone!

Back in 2016 I started working on yet another "phone suite" type of app for remote accessing phone files, notes, browser tabs and similar. I never finished it due to the lack of time (and code became too convoluted so I planned to refactor it and never did). But despite never finishing it I've been using it since then on Jolla phone, Jolla C, Xperia X and now Xperia XA2 and it still works (nowadays I mostly use Sailfish connect for transferring files).

I found the code today and decided to publish it in case someone likes it or wants to use it.

Currently it supports only file browsing and uploading/downloading, notes viewing and viewing tabs from stock browser. It also has access menagement (any incoming connection needs to be approved in the app) and SSL support.

To use it, phone and the computer need to be in the same network (I planned to add the option to use it anywhere but never got to that).

Other than that, I also planned to add notes editing, message reading/writing, contacts, calendar, notifications and other thing. Currently I don't plan to work on it any more (but forks and pull requests are welcome :)).

Here's the code and the instructions for use: https://bitbucket.org/igor_b/sfos_remote/src/master/

Link to the app: https://bitbucket.org/igor_b/sfos_remote/downloads/sfos_remote-0.1-1.armv7hl.rpm

Some screenshots (it loads the current ambience from the phone to use for background):

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Very cool. Ability to change the server address would be useful to me, I have many Sonoff devices on my network, so the server ip address is already taken, but I had a play anyway, very promising, thanks! :)

Spam Hunter ( 2020-04-10 23:06:25 +0200 )edit

Do you know Jolla Communicator? It should be similar to your phone suite. What would be cool would be a mixture of both, a desktop client connecting directly with your usb connected phone similar to Samsung Kies


Firefox84 ( 2020-04-10 23:17:05 +0200 )edit

What pains me is that there have been a few attempts for an app like that -and one of the best ideas the community had- and noone made a complete one :(

ApB ( 2020-04-10 23:38:48 +0200 )edit

@Edz the server address is your phone's IP address

igor ( 2020-04-11 01:03:50 +0200 )edit

@ApB yeah, that's why I started working on this and now we have one more uncomplete one. I should've published it immediately but I wanted to get it into some shape before publishing. That was a mistake...

igor ( 2020-04-11 01:04:11 +0200 )edit