App switcher layout does not change if the device is rotated in an app
I think starting with 3.3.0 this started to happen when I was still using Xperia X. Though on the device the rotating home is not officially supported, the patch worked fine until the update so I think something has been overlooked with the update. The behavior is also present on Xperia 10. The layout works correctly if rotated again in home screen.
Here are a few screenshots. First the correct view and then the in-app-rotated view.
Wasn't this an intended change of 3.3.0, that the app itself rotates but not the the minimized apps anymore. Is that your question!? :)
Firefox84 ( 2020-04-25 14:52:41 +0200 )edit@Firefox84 Not quite. the grid in which the app covers reside does not transform properly. I'll add a few screenshots to the question.
Ingvix ( 2020-04-25 15:30:32 +0200 )edit