FSOS 3.3 flashing does not work on fedora linux [answered]
I'm trying to flash FSOS 3.3 on fedora Linux. The script generates the following output:
Detected Linux Searching device to flash.. Found 0 devices: Incorrect number of devices connected. Make sure there is exactly one device connected in fastboot mode.
The command "fastboot devices" shows the folowing ouput:
CQ3000ARP3 fastboot
there seems to be connected device?
Please advise.
Problem solved, see anwser.
Have you tried running the script as root?
leszek ( 2020-05-01 06:05:06 +0200 )editTry to use USB 2 port.
santhoshmanikandan ( 2020-05-01 06:06:41 +0200 )editI didn't try to flash sfos 3.3 (yet), but flashing sfos 3.2 on Fedora 30 worked OK, without any problems. Which Fedora version do you have?
pasikarkkainen ( 2020-05-01 12:40:36 +0200 )edit