How to unlock permanently device lock (know my security code!) [answered]
asked 2020-05-15 22:35:48 +0200
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Hello community, my little son plays with my Jolla 1(SOS 3.3) and know my phone is turned into permanently device lock! So, i know my security code but i am not able to unkock it again... Need some help for the way to unlock it without loosing datas (means: no factory reset) It would be great if there is a reason for it!
If you know your security code and you followed the help in the link provided by coderus and the device is locked, what hope is there from the community?, you know your code but it doesn't work, we don't know your code, you cannot dig the code out of the device, nor can we.
There are no tricks anyone can present to you here, except to say, send the device to Jolla care in Finland, they will reflash it, this means all data is gone and you pay for the privilege of getting your device back working, minus your data.
As per the link given to you;
So, it looks like you have to send it back to care.
Spam Hunter ( 2020-05-16 04:07:13 +0200 )edit