Phone number from web browser
When I look up a phone number in the web browser (e.g. a restaurant) I would like to click the number in the browser and it will be copied into the phone app to make a call.
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When I look up a phone number in the web browser (e.g. a restaurant) I would like to click the number in the browser and it will be copied into the phone app to make a call.
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Asked: 2014-02-01 21:34:17 +0200
Seen: 89 times
Last updated: Feb 01 '14
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This is an small but very handy & important suggestion!!
JS2 ( 2014-02-01 22:08:56 +0200 )editI am from Germany, and here we are used to call a mobile "handy". IMHO a smart phone should be handy and smart. A simple click on a phone number inside a message/email/website should do what a user expects -> call or add contact to addressbook. This functionality might be occupied by stupid patents.
kodiak ( 2014-02-02 18:56:23 +0200 )editThis works partly, at least in my device. Holding a finger a bit longer time on top of number opens copy to clip board etc menu. Unfortunately browser crashes if press is too short and it opens telephone directly. If I keep my finger on the screen and slide it to option copy to clip board and then open phone app and select enter phone number, I can paste number there.
JonninJoutava ( 2015-03-05 00:12:31 +0200 )editThat is correct, it works in this way, but is not the way it should work. It should at least ask, if the number should be called in the same menu where you can copy it to clipboard
MaxT ( 2015-03-06 12:18:28 +0200 )edit