WLAN-Call support Sony Xperia dual sim f5121
i tried to activate WLAN-Call (VoWiFi) but it seems not with Sailfish OS, isn't it ? Is there a plan to add this function ?
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i tried to activate WLAN-Call (VoWiFi) but it seems not with Sailfish OS, isn't it ? Is there a plan to add this function ?
Unfortunately it does not seem to be in plan. The question was already asked in 2015 and nothing has happened on that front:
I myself would very much like to use it as well since I often am in regions without cellular reception but WLAN, but well.
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Asked: 2020-06-05 21:56:38 +0200
Seen: 478 times
Last updated: Jun 07 '20
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Yes, sure. :( Soon to come
peterleinchen ( 2020-06-05 22:44:12 +0200 )editor see here or here...
Without that,,, no chance
Hi, thanks for your hint. But i think SIP calls are different from that what i have asked. I would like to use WLAN Calls, rather than a SIP accont. I would like to be reachable through WLAN if the mobile network isn't available. I missed the settings/functionality like WIFI-CALL ore WLAN-CALL in the settings menu. IOS/Android have this avaiablitiy. But Sailfish OS doesn't
Like this for example: https://www.techmesto.com/enable-volte-vowifi-nokia-android/
x11max ( 2020-06-06 10:39:03 +0200 )editI do know what you are talking about.
peterleinchen ( 2020-06-06 23:02:11 +0200 )editBut without VoIP / SIP we will not have VoLTE nor WiFi calling!
Just FYI: Xperia X dual SIM is the model F5122. F5121 is the single SIM version.
iled ( 2020-06-08 04:08:13 +0200 )editRight.
peterleinchen ( 2020-06-08 10:32:42 +0200 )editAnd by the way, why limit this (valid and known) request for one specific model only?