Proxy settings aren't honoured
I tried setting up a proxy for one of the wireless networks I connect to but as far as I can tell my phone refuses to route through the proxy.
I don't know if this is due to 'autosensing', the wireless network I connect to does have internet without the proxy, but proper https won't work without it so the store doesn't work...
As far as I can tell neither the browser nor the Jolla Store respect the proxy setting and use it.
EDIT 2015.03.17 ( After update 11, still there is no app (except the browser) that is capable to access internet over a proxy. Not even the Jolla store, let alone other apps that require network.
Please honour the proxy at the OS level so all the apps requiring internet access (even android ones) can access internet through the proxy
EDIT: Using SFOS (on Xperia XA2) I just wanted to use a proxy and I am unable to use a proxy configured for a WIFI access point.
same here with basic settings as well as pac url it seems like libproxy or pacrunner doesn t use the settings provided by gui. it is a bit painful while on a corporate wifi
pedro ( 2014-02-02 17:04:13 +0200 )editalso note that device does query wpad with dns to find some auto config. however it never goes to request wpad.dat
pedro ( 2014-02-02 20:07:00 +0200 )editAn interesting Maemo post on same subject : Link to Maemo forum
pedro ( 2014-02-06 18:59:42 +0200 )editNot doing wpad is (I think) a good thing, wpad is very dangerous from a security point of view...
Keeper-of-the-Keys ( 2014-02-10 22:32:36 +0200 )editit is not ! some vulnerabilities have been discovered in microsoft implementations but it is not the case anymore. firefox, safari, chrome, ms ie all allow a "auto discovery" for proxy settings. it is widely used on corporate networks.
pedro ( 2014-02-10 23:43:43 +0200 )edit