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What's wrong Jolla? [duplicate]

asked 2020-06-16 09:40:11 +0200

wmcig gravatar image

updated 2020-06-16 09:52:43 +0200

Since several years I proudly use Sailfish OS as operating system on my mobile phone. In the last years I have presented and introduced it to other friends.

But I haven't done that for a long time.

This is simply because I am not really convinced of it myself and not all devices that currently have SFOS installed are fully supported by Jolla.

I can't download all apps I want to use, no matter from which store, because my device (Intex Aqua Fish) has the current SFOS version on it, but not a newer version of Android. On my mobile phone it is version 4.4!

But many apps require version 5 or even only version 6 or higher!

What does Jolla finally intend to do? When will there finally be a statement about it? Will there be a newer Android version for my mobile phone?

And yes, I could of course buy an Xperia mobile phone that works with SFOS, but I don't want that at the moment. The current device still works and I'm giving it another chance.

If I have to buy another mobile phone sometime, I will look closely to see if an Android or Apple device offers more than SFOS.

I am a big fan of Linux (I have had Linux on my PCs at home for years) and open source software. But I just can't accept that SFOS users are still being scared away and that this is acceptable.

This forum (and other forums and blogs as well) is full of posts similar to mine.

Sometimes I think that Jolla has no interest at all in updating Android versions on mobile phones where SFOS has been pre-installed and sold (Intex Aqua Fish, Inoi R7, etc).

It is legitimate to make money with licenses, but you should keep an eye on all SFOS users, even if they don't buy an Xperia device for various reasons.

Jolla staff members read this forum and take care of it, but please do so properly.

I don't know what my future with SFOS looks like. But if nothing changes in the next years, I'll have to think of something else. That would be a great pity, but it is not up to me anymore.

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The question has been closed for the following reason "duplicate question" by coderus
close date 2020-06-16 12:37:19.984864



Well, even Android phones after a certain point don't get updates anymore, but at least there are custom roms which can be used instead. The intex is getting Sailfish updates and that's what Jolla will provide, it won't update the android support for sure. I am also against the waste of resources of buying a new phone if the current one is working...let me say that buying a Sony with Sailfish would let you still use it with Android if Sailfish won't be updated.

claustn ( 2020-06-16 12:06:44 +0200 )edit

Nobody wants to waste resources, but often technically and economically is not possible to update. Jolla is still fully supporting their almost 8 year old device. You also need to understand that Jolla does not have full control on android support.

pmelas ( 2020-06-16 12:40:36 +0200 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2020-06-16 13:02:21 +0200

Nrsisti gravatar image

Jolla C/Intex Aqua Fish are really old devices and are based on android 5 adaptation therefore the android app support can not be higher than 5. Updating the android app support just for the Jolla C/Intex phones is not really something important we would do as we already have android 8.1 app support out there working. We recommend to switch Xperia XA2 or Xperia 10 devices to get supported android version.

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answered 2020-06-16 12:37:10 +0200

coderus gravatar image

Also "Sailfish X for XA2 will come first with Android 8.1 compatibility. There are some device specifics in the Android runtime implementation, which restricts our ability to bring same runtime to other devices." from https://blog.jolla.com/sailfish-3-update-post/

Your question is covered by: https://together.jolla.com/question/188294/what-android-version-will-the-sailfish-3-have/

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answered 2020-06-16 14:15:46 +0200

wmcig gravatar image

It is sad to call the Aqua Fish an old device. I have only been using it for a little more than 3 1/2 years.

What scares me personally is that Jolla really pushes you to buy a new device to get SFOS with much better Android support.

I cannot understand this philosophy. It is a slap in the face for all users who have decided to buy certain devices for many reasons. And even enthusiastically supported Jolla, so that finally a small company from Finland can show the big companies that it can be done differently.

I like SFOS and I also like the way it works. It is simple, straightforward and modern. But for me personally, an Xperia device with SFOS is out of the question at the moment.

Is it really not feasible for Jolla to upgrade at least one Android version? Does Jolla really want to alienate customers/users of the system?

So one can only advise against buying pre-installed mobile phones with SFOS. If you consider buying a Sony device for SFOS, you should look at the annual additional costs and then consider if the big companies offer better alternatives.

In my opinion Jolla will always remain a niche product. It makes me angry that this also destroys the sense of the OpenSource idea a bit more.

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LMAO, whis is not a "philosophy". There are a lot of technical details you ignoring.

coderus ( 2020-06-16 14:58:43 +0200 )edit

3 1/2 years is basically an eternity nowadyays. I wonder if even 10% have their phones that long. Any Android phone, especially in the price range, will be long out of support when it is that old. Sure, some Lineage-supported device might still be fine, but that's about it.

Is it really not feasible for Jolla to upgrade at least one Android version?

You'd get exactly that, just one version, that is almost equally out of date. And with a lot of effort from Jolla's side.

Sailfish X licensing is not annual, it is per device... which for you is basically forever.

attah ( 2020-06-16 15:26:34 +0200 )edit

I don't understand Jolla business model in this Android support item. Old customer is more easy catch up than a new one for minor OS. I assume, that xperia x users are ready to pay for updated anroid support instead new hardware.

metfi ( 2020-06-16 19:22:08 +0200 )edit

just buy any 100€ Android phone if you need Android 10 or android apps that badly. Most android phones do not even get a security uptade, not even one. The more expensive ones get maybe an update to the next android version. So.why would Jolla update an android 4 phone to android 8, 9 or 10? The reason why your and other phones do not have Aliendalvik 8.1 support is because Android 8 does not support that SoC any more, out of date drivers, etc. etc. You could also ask: "Why does Jolla not support the newest iPhone including Android 11 support

apozaf ( 2020-06-16 21:16:14 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2020-06-16 09:40:11 +0200

Seen: 1,129 times

Last updated: Jun 16 '20