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Installing Gentoo Prefix

asked 2020-06-18 15:46:47 +0200

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updated 2020-06-24 23:01:41 +0200

nsensfel gravatar image

Here's a guide on how to get Gentoo Prefix running under SailfishOS. I've made it for the Pro1, but you might be able to use it for another device.

If you know what Gentoo Prefix is, do not expect it to be the smooth ride I'm sure it usually is.

If you know what Gentoo is, but not what Gentoo Prefix is: the short of it is that this basically lets you install Gentoo as a normal user in the directory of your choice, minus the kernel (since one is already running). You cannot mess up your SailfishOS install with this, so it's pretty safe to play around with.

If you don't know what Gentoo is, it's a distribution aimed at power-users that lets you customize quite a lot of stuff. Basically, a dedicated group of maintainers ensure that the configuration of your usual programs can be done through simple keywords in a standardized fashion (e.g. "ssl" to indicate you want your package to have the ssl options enabled). In practice, you basically have a set of text files in /etc/portage/ that describe the system you want, and a package manager (Portage) which will tell you if that's doable, or why not, and make it happen if it is. The downsides being that you are expected to have a coherent set of files in /etc/portage/, so you'll often face a "nope, you need to allow this in /etc/portage/ before I can do that" kind of issue if you're not careful. Also, since you really can personalize stuff, packages have to be compiled, which can be annoying when installing new software (not so much when updating, since you can just let it compile in the background). This also means you can tailor your programs to your hardware to get better performance. There is somewhat of an expectation for users to read documentation, so if you don't want to take the time to learn what things are and how they work, you shouldn't be trying to customize them, and thus probably shouldn't be using Gentoo. Oh, and the TL;DR of compiling on a phone: it wasn't a good plan 20 years ago, but you have a gaming PC in your hands nowadays, so the only issue is the rewrite limits of flash memory. Just use tmux or Screen when merging huge packages (e.g. llvm, xorg, firefox, webkit-gtk, icedtea, ...) so that you don't lose progress if the Sailfish terminal application stops for some reason (I've noticed it did that sometimes, and that was even before I installed the Prefix).

SailfishOS runs a 64bit kernel (aarch64) with a strictly 32bit userland (armhf). I'd ask, but I don't know who to. Whatever. The point is: you're not easily getting a 64bit toolchain set up on that, so this guide goes for a 32bit Gentoo Prefix (armhf). Now, the interesting thing is: Gentoo is very good at setting up cross-toolchains, so it might be possible to use the 32bit Gentoo Prefix to create a 64bit toolchain that you could use to install a 64bit Gentoo Prefix (this... is to go... even further beyond!). You can see what your toolchain is by running "gcc -v".

Note that ${EPREFIX} refers to the folder you want your Gentoo Prefix installed in. Mine is /gentoo, so if you see that in this guide, assume that this means you have to actually write the name of the folder and not use the environment variable (and only in this case, otherwise, prefer using the env variable). You should export this environment variable (which you'll need to do anyway):

$ export EPREFIX="/gentoo"

For reference, commands starting with "#" (e.g. "# mkdir ${EPREFIX}") are commands ran as root, whereas commands starting with "$" (e.g. "$ mkdir ${EPREFIX}") are commands run as nemo (or any normal user). You shouldn't be using root for anything past "Getting Started".

Getting Started

Setting up an SD Card

I strongly recommend using an SD card (and one targeted at dashcams, so that it withstands a lot of rewrites) to store your prefix. If you don't want to, feel free to skip this step and create the EPREFIX folder.

This assumes you've just put a dedicated SD card in your phone. If this is not the case, make sure the SD card is formatted in something that can support a Linux system (e.g. ext4).

Formatting the SD card:

# cfdisk /dev/mmcblk0

Choose Linux as partition type. Write the new partition table.

# mkfs.ext4 /dev/mmcblk0p1

This makes your partition use ext4.

Preparing the Prefix folder:

# mkdir ${EPREFIX}

This creates the folder (if you didn't know that, it's a strong sign that you should probably not be trying Gentoo yet).

As root, edit /etc/fstab to add the line:

/dev/mmcblk0p1  /gentoo ext4    defaults 0      0

This will make it be mounted automatically at boot.

# mount ${EPREFIX}

This mounts it right now.

# chown -R nemo:nemo ${EPREFIX}

This makes it owned by nemo, meaning that you don't need root privileges to read or write in there.

Installing the required packages:

SailfishOS has a package manager called pkcon. I'm very new to that OS, so there may be a better one, but this one will do.

You will need to install "make", "gcc", "gcc++", and "python" (that last dependency is not standard for a Gentoo Prefix install, but you'll need it for a workaround).

# pkcon install make gcc gcc++ python

I've actually done that with one command per program installed, but I assume you can do it in a single call.

Tinkering some stuff in the install script:

Download the Gentoo Prefix bootstrap script from https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Prefix and put it in ${EPREFIX}.

Make the script executable:

$ chmod +x ./bootstrap-prefix.sh

Open it in your favorite text editor (i.e. vim).


if [[ ${PN} == "m4" ]] ; then
    # drop _GL_WARN_ON_USE which gets turned into an error with
    # recent GCC 1.4.17 and below only, on 1.4.18 this expression
    # doesn't match
    sed -i -e '/_GL_WARN_ON_USE (gets/d' lib/stdio.in.h lib/stdio.h

Add before:

if [[ ${PN} == "tar" ]] ; then
    # drop _GL_WARN_ON_USE which gets turned into an error with
    # recent GCC 1.4.17 and below only, on 1.4.18 this expression
    # doesn't match
    sed -i -e '/_GL_WARN_ON_USE (gets/d' gnu/stdio.in.h gnu/stdio.h

tar won't compile if you don't do that.

Find and comment out:

[[ ${PN} == "bash" && ${CHOST} != *-cygwin* ]] \
    && myconf="${myconf} --disable-readline"

bash won't compile if you don't do that.


einfo "running emerge -u system"
CFLAGS= CXXFLAGS= emerge -u system || return 1

Add before:

einfo "fixing virtual/libc"
CFLAGS= CXXFLAGS= emerge -1 --nodeps -n --ask virtual/libc glibc || return 1

The script won't be able to do the "emerge -u" you just saw without that.


[[ ${OFFLINE_MODE} ]] || type -P wget > /dev/null \
    || (bootstrap_wget) || return 1

Add before:

[[ ${OFFLINE_MODE} ]] || type -P wget > /dev/null \
    || (bootstrap_libpsl) || return 1

wget needs libpsl to compile.


bootstrap_wget() {
    bootstrap_gnu wget 1.20.1 || \
    bootstrap_gnu wget 1.17.1 || bootstrap_gnu wget 1.13.4

Replace with (yes the extra function should be added):

bootstrap_wget() {
    bootstrap_gnu wget 1.20.1 #|| \
#   bootstrap_gnu wget 1.17.1 || bootstrap_gnu wget 1.13.4

bootstrap_libpsl() {
    bootstrap_gnu libpsl 0.21.0

wget will crash anyway, so let's not lose too much time trying the other versions. We also need to add something to install libpsl, hence the added function.

You're done with pre-installation stuff.

Stage 1

I'll repeat it again, just in case: from now on, no root, only nemo.

Go to ${EPREFIX}

$ cd ${EPREFIX}

Create a file called use_gentoo_prefix.sh, with the following:

export EPREFIX="/gentoo"
export CHOST="armv7hl-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi"

export CFLAGS="-march=armv8-a -mtune=cortex-a73.cortex-a53 -pipe -O2"

export PRESTAGE_1_PATH="${PATH}"
export PATH="${EPREFIX}/usr/bin:${EPREFIX}/bin:${EPREFIX}/tmp/usr/bin:${EPREFIX}/tmp/bin:${PATH}"
export LDFLAGS=""
export CFFLAGS=""
export PATH="${EPREFIX}/usr/sbin:${EPREFIX}/sbin:${EPREFIX}/tmp/usr/sbin:${EPREFIX}/tmp/sbin:${PATH}"

If you are indeed using the Pro1, you should only modify the EPREFIX line to match your own. Otherwise, I believe the CHOST is mostly linked to the toolchain provided by SailfishOS and should thus stay unchanged. the CLFAGS must match something that fits your CPU. Do not simply remove them, this will not work here and will force you to restart the whole thing way down the line (can you tell I'm speaking from experience? :o).

Source use_gentoo_prefix.sh. You'll need to do that again every time you close the terminal. I would recommend not setting it up as automatic in ~/.bashrc, but instead creating some alias like "alias gentoo='source /gentoo/use_gentoo_prefix.sh'", in case the prefix breaks for some reason.

$ source use_gentoo_prefix.sh

Stage 1 is now about to start for real...

$ ./bootstrap-prefix.sh "${EPREFIX}" stage1

If you see a nice logo in ASCII art, you failed to source use_gentoo_prefix.sh.

Bootstrapping WGET fails:

Yeah, it will do that in this install. I did warn about this not being a smooth ride, didn't I?

$ mv ${EPREFIX}/tmp/bin/wget{,_back}

This renames wget into wget_back. We'll create a shim. Using your favorite text editor, create the file ${EPREFIX}/tmp/bin/wget with the following content:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/gentoo/tmp/lib" /gentoo/tmp/bin/wget_back $@

It is important that you do not use the ${EPREFIX} environment variable here. Hardcode the location.

Make it executable:

$ chmod +x ${EPREFIX}/tmp/bin/wget

Resume stage 1:

$ ./bootstrap-prefix.sh "${EPREFIX}" stage1

Bison will try multiple versions before succeeding.

Missing Profile:

Near the end of stage 1, you'll get a message about the profile for your setup not being automatically found.

$ ln -s ${EPREFIX}/var/db/repos/gentoo/profiles/default/linux/arm/17.0/armv7a/prefix/kernel-3.2+/ ${EPREFIX}/etc/portage/make.profile

You'll need to start stage 1 again ($ ./bootstrap-prefix.sh "${EPREFIX}" stage1), but let's do everything we need to do in ${EPREFIX}/etc/portage right now, so we don't have to later.

Modifications in ${EPREFIX}/etc/portage:

Here's my ${EPREFIX}/etc/portage/make.conf. Make yours match so that the compilation succeeds. You should ignore the PORTAGE_DIR and the DISTDIR if you don't want to compile things in RAM (but you really should be compiling in RAM, so check out the replies to this post to see how to set that up).

CFLAGS="-march=armv8-a -mtune=cortex-a73.cortex-a53 -O2 -pipe"

# Added by bootstrap-prefix.sh for armv7hl-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi
USE="unicode nls"
#CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -O2 -pipe"
# sandbox does not work well on Prefix, bug 490246
FEATURES="${FEATURES} -usersandbox -sandbox"




USE="${USE} X wayland xwayland egl gallium gles2 gbm wayland-compositor"

USE="${USE} -pam ssl"

USE="${USE} pulseaudio dbus"


dev-lang/perl perl

Perl... has some issues getting installed.

${EPREFIX}/etc/portage/env/perl:(You will need to create the directory first)

EXTRA_ECONF="-Dosname='linux' -Dhintfile='linux' -Duserelocatableinc='false'"

Perl considers that any OS with a Linux kernel in which /system/lib/libandroid.so exists must be Android. We need to really insist on being Linux. Also, it'll try and fail to install with incompatible options, so we disable the one that isn't hardcoded in the Gentoo package file.

Stage 2

We've got one last thing to do before starting Stage 2: fixing some stuff the script did incorrectly.



Does it contain anything related to Gentoo Prefix? The goal here is to get the $PATH you were using before adding the Gentoo Prefix directories to it.

You'll need to edit two files, but their content are the same. Make it so ${EPREFIX}/tmp/usr/local/bin/{gcc,g++} contain only one copy of the three lines (you'll be able to see it clearly if the content has been duplicated). Make it so that their content is similar to:

#! /bin/sh
PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/home/nemo/bin" export PATH
exec "${0##*/}" "$@"

Replacing the value I've put there with the one you have in $PRESTAGE_1_PATH (which is the same if you haven't modified your PATH outside of this guide).

You can now run Stage 2:

$ ./bootstrap-prefix.sh "${EPREFIX}" stage2

Stage 3

You can now run Stage 3:

$ ./bootstrap-prefix.sh "${EPREFIX}" stage3

Circular dependency

If you are hit by this bug, I've made a workaround to be able to continue while they fix it cleanly: download the workaround overlay, untar it in somewhere like a "/home/nemo/src" folder. You'll have to edit/create ${EPREFIX}/etc/portage/repos.conf and ${EPREFIX}/tmp/etc/portage/repos.conf, because I do not know which one is being used at this point. Make these files contain:


Edit the bootstrap script, find:


Remove the "-" before ssl.

Start stage 3 again ($ ./bootstrap-prefix.sh "${EPREFIX}" stage3)

emerge --depclean failed:

Yeah, and you know what? Let's not bother fixing that. Look at the very last line there. It should tell you have successfully passed stage 3.

After the Install

Hopefully, you now have a Gentoo Prefix install on your phone. Happy hacking.

PS: If you're not used to Gentoo on ARM/AARCH64, but use it on some other architecture, you might be surprised by some packages being masked due to missing keyword (e.g. mednafen). Check the webpage for the package, since it might not be available even in unstable for this architecture, meaning that you will need to add a keyword to allow its installation using the package of another architecture.

You'll most likely want to follow the advice of Portage and set your locale in ${EPREFIX}/etc/locale.gen. I'm not going to include much in terms of guides for general Gentoo use, since there are many other better written resources for that. Just know of the "--autounmask" parameter for emerge, which really helps getting quickly over blocked/masked packages: if it tells you that you need to add a keyword looking like "your/package **", this means there's no ARM package available and it's trying to get the package from another architecture. It's not something you usually see when using Gentoo on a PC.

I'll post guides for these once I've reached them, but the next objectives are: - Getting Firefox running. Web browsers aren't exactly the easiest of packages to successfully merge. - Making sure hardware acceleration is used with X11 applications (and Wayland ones).

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If you have access to it (you do with the Pro1), you should probably put the source code of your kernel in /usr/src/linux/ (doesn't look like putting it in the prefix will work), since quite a few packages attempt to read your configuration from there. I think they simply assume everything has been configured as they want it to be if they can't find the configuration file, but it would definitely be preferable to let them check.

I have uploaded a few screenshots, if people want to see it work, for some reason.

nsensfel ( 2020-06-18 19:30:16 +0200 )edit

I'm mostly going from failed merge to failed merge, learning new things. I'll test it out before editing the guide, but you might want to:

  • add "-mfpu=crypto-neon-fp-armv8" to the CFLAGS. This should enable those extensions, and I believe they are available on this processor (so far, it fixed an issue, and hasn't caused any other).
  • set ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="arm -~arm" so that it stops pulling unstable packages by default.
nsensfel ( 2020-06-25 12:30:17 +0200 )edit

4 Answers

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answered 2020-06-19 16:25:36 +0200

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updated 2020-06-19 16:25:36 +0200

nsensfel gravatar image

Reducing flash rewrite by compiling in RAM

This assumes you have some RAM to spare. On the Pro1, you sure do.

The idea here is to mount a folder in RAM, and to tell Portage to use it when compiling/downloading stuff. In an excess of creativity, I use "/ram" for this folder in this guide.

Start by creating the folder:

# mkdir /ram

Then edit /etc/fstab, as root, to include the following line:

tmpfs           /ram        tmpfs       noatime,size=2G,mode=1777 0 0

Feel free to reduce the size to match your preferences, but note that any package which can't be compiled within this size will have to be made an explicit exception in ${EPREFIX}/etc/portage.

Mount the folder:

# mount /ram

If there's an error about you not being root, it's likely because you are currently using the Prefix's mount command instead of Sailfish's. You'll need to sort that out (restart term without Prefix in PATH, or use the full path when calling mount).

Let's now tell Portage to use this folder. Edit ${EPREFIX}/etc/portage/make.conf, and add or edit the values for:


Handling large compilations

Just like I did with Perl in the guide above, you can define these parameters on a package basis. This is typical Gentoo stuff, so I'll just point you to the Gentoo wiki for this step.

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answered 2020-06-19 20:25:48 +0200

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This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

updated 2020-06-27 17:21:02 +0200

nsensfel gravatar image

Running Wayland and X11 applications

Known issues:

  • Hardware acceleration does not appear to be working.

The basics

SailfishOS uses Wayland. This is a protocol which is very, very slowly coming to replace the well established X11 protocol. Those two are not natively inter-compatible, but there are bridges to run applications meant for one in the other. In our context, we'll be interested in running: Wayland applications and X11 applications on Wayland. The former isn't as easy as it seems, and the latter not as difficult.

From what I understand, the way Wayland works is that it has servers (called compositors) and clients (which can themselves also be compositors). Compositors expose a set of services, indicating the name of the service and its version number. The standardization of these services appears to be a work in progress, and sadly, backward compatibility isn't always assured. SailfishOS uses lipstick as its main (and possible only?) compositor, so this is way we're going to have to connect to. The issue here is that lipstick doesn't expose the services expected by most applications, or, more frequently, does not expose the right version of these services. Thus, even getting Wayland applications to run isn't as simple as attaching them to lipstick. The good news is that, funnily enough, the reference implementation of Wayland compositors, called Weston, can not only connect to lipstick, but is compatible with all the other Wayland applications I have tested so far.

For X11 applications, there is a Wayland client which acts as an X11 server, called XWayland, which thus makes a bridge from X11 to Wayland. As far as I can tell, there is no actual XWayland program, but some compositors are instead able to load a library that'll give them XWayland support. This means we won't be able to just test if XWayland can connect to lipstick directly, and will instead have to connect a Wayland compositor with XWayland enabled even when only interested in running X11 applications. Thus, regardless of the type of application you want to run, you will still need to follow the process of setting up a Wayland compositor.


  • Weston. Connects to lipstick. XWayland compatible. Mouse controls not tested. Currently the recommended choice.
  • Cagebreak. Does not connect to lipstick. Connects to Weston. Just made it start, haven't tested further.
  • dwl (TODO).
  • Grefsen (TODO).
  • Hikari. Gentoo package won't install into prefix (error on the maintainer's part, I assume). But since it stills builds, you can make it "work". Doesn't seem to be doing a thing: the executable doesn't report any error, just indicates usage. Can't get it to do anything else. I wouldn't recommend using software that fails to report errors.
  • Sway. Does not connect to lipstick (interface version issue). Connects to Weston. Just got it to start, haven't tested it yet.
  • velox (TODO).
  • Wayfire (TODO).
  • waymonad (TODO).

Tested applications

  • libsdl2 (Wayland client) does not connect to lipstick. Connects to Weston. Appears to work fine, performance isn't great.
  • glxgears (X11 client), a pretty standard test program. Connects to Weston (with XWayland enabled). No hardware acceleration (missing 'wl_drm' interface).

A little update to ${EPREFIX}/etc/portage/make.conf

i do not know if it ends up being used, but it would be prudent to set the correct 'VIDEO_CARDS' option in ${EPREFIX}/etc/portage/make.conf.


"freedreno" is the right option for Qualcomm integrated graphics (such as what is used in the pro1). You might have to chose something else, depending on your device.



The "fullscreen" mode and USE flag of Weston work fine, so you might as well have them. Furthermore, xorg-server seems to be trying to pull its "9999" version when it has the "xorg" or "udev" flags enabled. In effect, this corresponds to the following lines in ${EPREFIX}/etc/portage/package.mask

dev-libs/weston fullscreen
x11-base/xorg-server -udev -xorg

If you want to have XWayland functionalities, you should enable that USE flag (xwayland) globally. I assume the "wayland" use flag is still be there since the Prefix install process described above.


Weston reads the ~/.config/weston.ini file to find its config. Best manual I've found for it is here (and no, they're not all as complete). If you want to use XWayland, you will have to inform Weston that the binary isn't in the usual place:


If you are using your phone in landscape, you will likely also want the following:


You'll have to give the resolution that you have in portrait mode, and that's also the resolution that is going to be given to applications (although they are made aware of the rotation, they might still fail to take it into account). The applications are displayed with the right rotation, but this resolution mismatch can cause issues. If you know of a better way, I'd love to hear it. When using this solution, click on the background once, then CTRL+ALT+F to go fullscreen with Weston.


$ weston -Swayland2

This starts Weston, connects it to lipstick, makes it wait for clients on the "wayland2" socket(?), and moves your focus to its desktop. Just open another terminal in SailfishOS (or use one inside Weston, if you feel like it), and put yourself back into the Prefix environment. To link clients to Weston, you will have to use the WAYLAND_DISPLAY environment variable. The simplest way being:

$ WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland2 your_wayland_program

This will not move your focus, but if you go to the Weston desktop, you'll see your application running there.

To enable XWayland, just add the "--xwayland" option when starting Weston. Since there is no X11 compatibility by default, the environment variable indicating which display to use isn't set. Weston will create a display named ":0", so you can launch X11 applications like so:

$ DISPLAY=:0 your_x11_program

Here again, the focus will not change, so you will have to manually switch to Weston's desktop.

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I've mentioned mednafen as a way to test libsdl2, but the package in the Gentoo repositories:

  • Does not compile on my machine.
  • Does not use libsdl2 but just libsdl, which means it is an X11 application.

Since I expect I'll run into this kind of issue on a regular basis, I've started an overlay (basically a third party repository) for Gentoo Prefix under Sailfish: https://github.com/nsensfel/sfos-gentoo-prefix-overlay It contains a updated (there really wasn't much to change) package for mednafen. I'd love to see other people start their own overlays for that setup so that we can make a post/reply listing all of them.

nsensfel ( 2020-06-19 20:41:00 +0200 )edit

answered 2020-06-20 12:35:04 +0200

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updated 2020-06-29 20:09:37 +0200

nsensfel gravatar image

Known issues and workarounds

No graphical hardware acceleration

I have no idea how to get this going.

Some packages report invalid instructions

This is a somewhat frequent issue, and I keep trying to find workarounds. I believe the last mfpu setting I've given fixes it. The issue being that some packages decide to override it and then fail to compile.

dev-lang/perl merging fails

See original post.

dev-libs/nss merging fails

Fails to compile, due to "Compiler option is invalid" from aes-armv8.c. For some reason, Portage considers the 3.53.1 version as unmasked, despite the fact that this is a "testing" package at the moment. Targeting 3.52.1-r1 instead solves this issue. This could also possibly be fixed by the addition of the "-mfpu" in the CFLAGS. Of course, stopping Portage from pulling unstable packages means the right version will be chosen to start with.

dev-lang/rust merging fails

The package for Rust downloads installation scripts for "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi", "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf", and "armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf". The CHOST we use is armv7-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi, so it doesn't find any match. The package can still be installed by temporarily setting CHOST to armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf. I assume these two to be equivalent. You should be able to use a package specific environment to avoid having to do this manually every time you merge that package.

media-video/ffmpeg merging fails

Set EXTRA_FFMPEG_CONF="--arch=arm", so that it doesn't try going for AARCH64 instead. Thank you, Vimja, for this one.

sys-libs/libomp merging fails

We indicated wanting code optimized for ARMv8-A, which is what the Pro1 uses. Among other things, this makes GCC define the __ARCH_ARM_8__ macro when compiling code. This package tries to figure out which version of ARM we're using, by testing these macros (see kmp_platform.h). As it happens, it goes up to __ARCH_ARM_7__, and since these versions appear to be backward compatible, it simply activates all previous of ARM as well. GCC, however, does not, so the __ARCH_ARM_7__ macro is not defined. This is easily fixed by adding "-D__ARCH_ARM_7__=1" to our CFLAGS when compiling this package.

www-client/firefox merging fails

No surprise there, it's a big one. So, first of all, it needs the same things as dev-lang/rust, because it will call the rust executable and that won't recognize our architecture. But, it'll also need CBUILD set to the same value (armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf). You'll need a patch for Firefox 68, not for 77. It attempts to call readelf and co. without the armv7-...- prefix, making it crash. Once you've fixed all that, and successfully compiled Firefox, it just goes "Bus error" and is completely unusable. Still working on that one...

Portage variables are ignored in favor of environment variables

This is normal behavior. I actually never realized before that, because I don't usually have to set package specific values.

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answered 2020-06-20 14:59:29 +0200

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This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

updated 2020-06-20 15:05:21 +0200

nsensfel gravatar image

External (but use case specific) resources

Below are some resources for this specific setup (i.e. not general Gentoo/Gentoo Prefix resources). Feel free to add your own to the list.


Overlays are user controlled repository trees. There are multiple ways to add one to your setup (see this page when using "layman", or through a more manual method).

  • nsensfel's overlay. Replacements/updates for packages in the standard Gentoo Prefix tree in order to make them work for this setup. The master branch only contains packages successfully merged (and seemingly working) on a F(x)tec Pro1.

Configuration files

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Asked: 2020-06-18 15:46:47 +0200

Seen: 1,566 times

Last updated: Jun 29 '20