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Anyone working on SFOS for the Cosmo?

asked 2020-06-27 13:31:24 +0300

Paul Tap gravatar image

Hi all,

a question regarding this was posted 2 years ago during the IGG campaign, yet I would like to "reopen" a dialogue from scratch. If not ok, just let me know.

Is anyone aware of anybody working on a SFOS for the Cosmo (Planet Computers)? If so, would it be possible to share their name(s) with me/us?

Currently I've put my Cosmo on the shelf due to the v22 Android being so buggy I can't use it as a daily driver. I've gone back to my XA2 + Gemini both running SFOS and I immediately knew what I'd been missing, a real mobile OS. So lets make it clear: I want SFOS on the Cosmo.

I'm not a developer, so no deep down hacking there for me, but I'm willing to test, know my way through Linux (since 1998), do have the Sailfish SDK on my PC, so I can deploy a few apps. Also I may be able to do some funding, as time doesn't come for free, I'm well aware. I'm open to discussing the latter, either here or off-line.


Paul Tap

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1 Answer

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answered 2020-06-30 11:16:09 +0300

gabs5807 gravatar image

hello Paul, take a look here https://www.oesf.org/forum/index.php?showforum=207.

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Thanx. Cleary a bit more lively dialogue over there; unfortunately with not much extra info.

I got a reply from Planet yesterday that there is work in progress, but no release is to be expected in the very near future (weeks). In a few months probably. Resources are very limited and the main focus (as may be read from the linked thread above) is on the Linux (debian) port for now. As this is done by the same developer as the SFOS port, it's clear what will come first.

Good news, at least from my point of view, is that it is not dead, but still a work in progress. I will have a look by what means I may be able to contribute.

Paul Tap ( 2020-06-30 12:45:37 +0300 )edit
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Asked: 2020-06-27 13:31:24 +0300

Seen: 614 times

Last updated: Jun 30 '20