Maps, calendar, people, mail, messaging & galery location tag integration
asked 2014-02-04 10:26:03 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
I Think it would be nice to have the functionality of clicking a location tag in an appointment or address of a contact or mail or what ever resulting in opening maps with the search results of the location. so I could f.i. plan trip, see what's near to a meeting point. It would also be great if the calender app would alert me if I would have to depart from my current position to the location of my next appointment. That kind of functionality would make a difference.
Adding on to that:
- when opening maps, indicators of places when appointments in the future have been set shall appear.
- meeting rooms to be stored as kind of "meta-locations". That is, a meeting room would be connected with the office address
- from maps having the option to link a location to a contact / meeting / photo
Changed in a wiki, so others can edit this and ad up functionality. renamed it
In addition, when opening maps, indicators of places when appointments in the future have been set shall appear.
ron282 ( 2014-02-07 19:36:43 +0200 )editThere should be more links between contacts, appointments, maps and pictures with gps metadata present in the phone.
problematic. what if the location is an internal name for a meeting room? how would sailfish know where that is? or what if location is an online meeting (conferencing)?
droll ( 2014-02-07 21:17:52 +0200 )editIt would be #unlike if these could be stored as kind of "meta-locations". That is, a meeting room would be connected with the office address, only more specific (e.g. a room in a specific building at our university campus: AT104, Agora, University of Eastern Finland, Yliopistonkatu 4, Joensuu, Finland) and the conferencing "location" would be a script that would call the conferencing number and enter the necessary digits.
jsiren ( 2014-02-08 01:43:39 +0200 )editYou should add to your request the other side of things too, not only clicking existing location info fields, but simply to be able to add location data using Maps in Calendar, People and other apps that may need or are location aware. If the info is entered in location-conpliant way then surely it is also browsable / searchable in navigation apps like Maps..
foss4ever ( 2014-02-08 10:04:57 +0200 )editif the location tag is not found search results in maps will turn up empty
teun ( 2014-02-08 11:46:19 +0200 )edit