Oops, problem with account cration. Go back to try again or skip now and add this account later. [duplicate]
when I first activated my new Jolla I accidentally configiured the wrong year (2013 instead of 2014). After trying to add my jolla account which I had previously created using https://account.jolla.com I got this error: "Oops, problem with account cration. Go back to try again or skip now and add this account later."
Also adding a new account from the phone didn't worked: "Problem with checking username availability. Try again later"
The problem is you can't do much with the phone without a working Jolla account. No Store, no essential apps, no fun.
The software version was SailfishOS
Later on I've seen that the phone shows me "Thursday" instead of "Friday", but month, day and time was correct, and then I recognized the wrong year. So I fixed the configuration and everything worked: Jolla Account, the store, and anything else.
Issues to be fixed:
- Make a better error message why account activation fails. Maybe a hint for checking the date might help.
- Time synchronization was activated but obviously it didn't work. I know that from ntpd (just guessing the Sailfish is using that). ntpd only works when the time difference is not too big. That's why most distributions call ntpdate to set the current time and then start ntpd to keep the time in sync. Maybe this helps also for Sailfish to avoid the whole problem.