App wishlist? [subjective]
asked 2014-02-04 16:01:43 +0200
This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
On our old N9 we had some really useful and nice apps. Which apps want jolla users to have on device? My wishes for example:
- a nice second musicplayer, with id3tag edit and sharing (e.g. bluetooth) support
- a tool to edit LED (like on N900 :-)
- a sd-card utility (format, reorganice, partition, errorcheck)
- a tetris game
- a solitaire like game
- a webradio app with search support (in shoutcast for example) and mark stations as favorite
- a photo edit tool (like on N9)
- a database tool for organize (for example Movies, DVDs, comics...)
- a .cbr/.cbz reader
- an ebook reader
- something like filezilla to up/download stuff
- a zip/rar/7z tool
- some nice different games
- dosbox?
- a small mp3 editor
Maybe someone other has ideas or wishes to complete this list? This are the stuff which i miss a little bit :-)