Network speed/ping tester app [answered]
asked 2014-02-05 21:54:54 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
Is there a speed/ping tester app for Jolla to test out ping and download/upload speed in different networks, particularly wifi/3G/4G(coming later)?
I found that Nettitutka (was it an app made by Aalto University? correct if I'm wrong...) app was quite useful in Nokia N9, but is there something similar also available for Jolla too?
Update: Netradar(nettitutka) app is available from Jolla store. If you have info on any other app that allow testing of network speed/ping etc. feel free to add them here in this issue.
this question will be closed but you can add own network test apps here if you like.
TimTTK ( 2014-02-06 15:53:05 +0200 )edit