I can't connect my phone via USB to a Windows 8 laptop
Is there some special way to access the Jolla through my laptop? The PC says the drivers are not to be found when I plug in the USB.
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Is there some special way to access the Jolla through my laptop? The PC says the drivers are not to be found when I plug in the USB.
Check the Default USB mode setting in your Jolla. (Settings/System/USB)
In order to connect Jolla to PC that should be:
In case of Always ask setting the phone ask you about the mode of connection what you would like to use at each time when USB is connected.
I have the same problem, tried choosing the PC connection and always ask from settings, tried to reboot, the computer says no. And in addition, I've connected succesfully my Jolla to my pc before the Naamankajärvi- update. Any solutions?
haemaelaeinen34 ( 2014-02-06 20:11:07 +0200 )editI have not try with my win7, but I will. At least has been worked fine with win7.
Meanwhile try this: http://forum.jollausers.com/jolla-phone/pc-connection-drivers-(for-windows)//)
Might help.
jliebe ( 2014-02-06 20:18:10 +0200 )editNot helping, because i can't find the "CDC OBEX Data" in selection list.
haemaelaeinen34 ( 2014-02-06 20:51:11 +0200 )editInstalled fine (automatically by plug&play) on windows 8 with sailfish Just tried now being on Phone not recognised any more. 4 drivers with yellow exclamation mark. Unplugged it. Plugged it back and chose developper mode. Same thing. Unplugged it. Plugged it back and chose "PC connection". Still the 4 yellow mark + Mobile device Sailfish. I can see the phone and browse it... weird.
Dam ( 2014-02-06 23:23:39 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2014-02-06 17:53:58 +0200
Seen: 6,340 times
Last updated: Oct 01 '18
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I have the same problem. That's not fine.
silvernail ( 2014-03-05 17:16:58 +0200 )edit