Word-prediction in native browser
Looks like the prediction in the native browser search/address field is not enabled. Can it be enabled ?
Looks like the prediction in the native browser search/address field is not enabled. Can it be enabled ?
Word suggestions were disabled because it was assumed that you only enter urls in the Url bar and no real words. I also can't understand this, because every browser has a combined address and search field nowadays.
Despite the question is basically 6 years old and not gained much interest, I thought I'd answer anyway, so for those interested.......
IF you don't mind working with Terminal, you can edit the particular file in Sailfish Browser to enable word prediction.
devel-su nano +323 /usr/share/sailfish-browser/pages/components/Overlay.qml
As noted from the path shown above, we want to change this line which looks like this before editing;
inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhUrlCharactersOnly
change it to this;
// inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhUrlCharactersOnly
Save the file, open the browser and type something, you should now see predictive text.
I did the edit and then opened the browser and it worked. It shouldn't be necessary to restart anything, at least, I didn't need to do so.
Spam Hunter ( 2020-02-28 12:32:53 +0200 )editAsked: 2014-02-11 09:04:13 +0200
Seen: 470 times
Last updated: Feb 28 '20
Predictions should be enabled everywhere. I don't understand why predictions are disabled for search fields and such. I don't think autocomplete is reason to disable predictions.
hetas ( 2014-02-13 20:23:33 +0200 )edit